
Sunday, November 22, 2015


Most every Sunday, we try to post an image of old posters that we find during online surfing.  We enjoy the ones that reflect farming, gardening and/or food preservation and rationing.  We enjoy them because we often wonder if anyone today would heed the kind of advice they gave back then...enjoy!

Eat Cabbage, vintage poster courtesy of UK War Archives
This is a fun poster.  It was touting the benefits of cabbage...a salad a day keeps the doctor away.  This one comes from the UK and the WWII Ministry of Food.  With meat, cheese, bacon and eggs in short supply, the ministry of food was tasked with reassuring the public there was plenty of other good, healthy food and of course, this one promoted cabbage and it's health benefits for civilians.

Hope you are having a good weekend.  It's clear today but COLD!  

Update later!


  1. cabbage - makes ya fart! nature's death bomb!

  2. I never noticed farts from regular cabbage. I thought it was the beans Daddy ate. I wonder if the British did not eat cole slaw? I wonder if we ate it because there was little else. I love it shredded into soup, cole slaw and other ways--just plain cabbage cooked, of course.

    1. I love cabbage in all forms too. LOVE good cole slaw too...mmm....

  3. I am fond of cabbage. Except when it is cooked as my mother did, to a grey disgusting paste...

    1. LOL, that sounds perfectly understandable, ha.


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