
Sunday, November 1, 2015


The weather people were's forecast was for sunny and clear with a chance of rain...instead it rained, not heavy thankfully, ALL day long.

So I went to the farm while 2nd Man stayed in town to prep something for today's "open house".  When I got there, standing water was everywhere.  

The driveway was wet and muddy and the skies were gray and overcast.  
Just generally depressing, ha.

The neighbor's property was VERY wet.  I guess we sit a bit higher than theirs, at least on this adjacent property anyway.  With all the rain last weekend, the ground was supersaturated, and now it won't hold any more water. 

Since I haven't been able to get back into the garden for the last couple of weekends, look at this...the grass is already coming back!  ARGH!

Hoping this weekend is rain free but the forecast again looks kind of iffy.

This is what 2nd Man had to do for the open house...some freshly baked chocolate chip cookies.  It's his recipe that he always uses, and before you ask, here is the RECIPE LINK.

Hope you all had a great weekend!


  1. When I find low, water-filled places, I have grass clippings placed on them. it helps fill it in without killing the grass. I even put the little limbs smaller around than a coffee stirrer on there. It all broke down naturally.

    Yes, I, too, am shocked when the mown grass

    1. That's a great idea. Thanks for that. I'll try that out next time I have to mow. Ha, grass does have a way of doing that huh? LOL!

    2. Same here; water puddles everywhere and more rain in forecast for Wed. and into the weekend.
      With water standing, now is a good time to mark them low spots with flags or whatever. When you are able to mow and the water is no longer standing, you will know where to dump your grass cuttings.. Ideal thing is to have a grass catcher on back of your mower. That way you can just drive to a low spot and dump the cutting.

    3. Yep, seeing rain, actually they say flooding, in the later week forecast. Sigh. I LIKE the idea of marking the low spots with flags, thanks for that. I didn't realize it would make a difference dumping the clippings. Thanks!!

  2. Thanks for the Soggy Update and the cookie recipe. M

  3. how did the open house go? we are in for summer weather here for the next two weeks and i am not happy!

    1. Lots of people according to the realtor but no offers today. Holding out hope for something to come in the next few days.

  4. Looks like rubber-boot weather is here for awhile. Glad that your property just has puddles of standing water and not sheets of it like your neighbor. I walked around my yard too, noting all the low places that will need filling in.
    At least you got to come home to some delicious chocolate chip cookies! Yum!

    1. Ah, yes, the rubber boots were on. Those are the best invention, ha!! I'll fill in the low spots after I mark them. Thanks for the tip. And yes, choc chip cookies make everything better, right?

  5. Very nice article with beautiful pictures.
    Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

  6. Wish we had some (not all) of your rain! Those cookies look delicious & I bet it made the house smell wonderful. I heard that when selling houses you should always have something just baked or at least a kettle with cinnamon simmering on the stove.

    1. Yep, even the realtor said "it smells so good" when she walked in. Of course no offers yet, but fingers crossed!

      I figured y'all had a bunch of the same rain too? but I guess not? We'd gladly send a bit ha.

  7. 1st Man,

    That rain was just a bit much, we fought it driving down to TX last Friday. The entire ride we kept praying nothing else would happen at the house with all this rain. We arrived safely, nothing else happened. We're in the process of replacing tile and fixing some wood flooring (wet from a broken pipe). I even worried about you and 2nd Man because you've had all this rain the past several weeks/months.

    So that's the secret, bake some cookies to entice those looking at your place to sell. I'll keep this secret in mind when we put my parents home up for sale.


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