
Saturday, December 5, 2015


It's a beautiful day today,  clear, sunny, cool, low's going to be a good weekend for work at the farm.  On the shortlist is getting the raised beds layered and filled and topped off with soil, then covered, and then edge everything inside the garden area.  That's my singular goal.  Then if I have time, I need to pull some weeds in the flower beds, and do some general moving around of stuff in the yard.  

If I have time, I want to start organizing inside the house...we spent all Summer bringing stuff from the house in town to the farm...a little at a time.  Little by little isn't so bad..until suddenly you step back and it looks like someone broke into a hoarders house, ransacked everything, and left without taking it, LOL.  But that is something that can be done on the rainy days later in the Winter.  The garden is the priority so that it's ready for jump starting in the early Spring.

I titled this post "A Beautiful Day BUT..."  and that's because there is something that has happened at the farm that I need to assess firsthand (and document with photos) and then figure out the next steps.  2nd Family notified us about it last night.  Kind of a bummer but it's the ups and downs of learning new things.  I'll be sharing that after I see it...stay tuned!

2nd Man is staying in town because we have the open house Sunday and he's got to clean and dust and vacuum and make it all look nice for that.  

As this posts, I'll be at the farm.  Hope you have a beautiful weekend doing what makes you happy!!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, sorry for just now replying to this one, it's been a long weekend, ha.

  2. Oh oh, I hope everything is ok with the bees!

    1. Wow, you were right on with that guess!! Hope you saw today's post. All is hopefully better. now.

  3. You have piqued my curiosity. Wonder what's up?

    1. Not sure if you saw today's post but yep it was the bees, something knocked over the hives.

  4. Eeek sounds ominous - hopefully it's not too bad in the end. Your house seems like my basement - all summer I keep putting things down there, bit by bit, and by November, it's a veritable obstacle course. I reserve the big cleanup for the winter months when the garden takes a back seat...or in our extreme winters, it's more accurate to say that it's not even a passenger :)

    1. Isn't it amazing how quickly it fills up? It sort of is like our storage place at the moment and yeah pretty crazy. Cold weather is a good time to go out and sort through it, even on a rainy day.

    A link I thought you might enjoy.

    1. Wow, that was fun to read and looks so cool. I'll have to read up some more on that. Of course, if I had glass jars at some point, I need to make sure they are tied down for sure!! Thanks for the link!!!

  6. I hope your but is a relatively harmless but. I have found 2nd homes sometimes have ok buts and sometimes they hurt!


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