
Saturday, December 26, 2015


As this posts, there are movers packing, boxes all over the house, the cats are safely secured away in a room by themselves, there are piles for "donate" and for the "farm" and for the "apartment" and of course, random bags of trash...woo hoo it's generalized chaos!!

I'm not sure if I'll be able to get to my computer tonight, but if I can, I'll check in and let you know how it all went and start replying to comments.  

Send positive thoughts, we'll need them!


  1. Best advice to control the chaos--mark boxes with big "A" or "F" or "T" to help movers and yourself stay straight. I suppose you won't see this until the deed is done. Good Luck on the move.

  2. That's so appropriate, since today is "Boxing Day" here in Canada :)

  3. guys are taking boxing day seriously this year! hope all goes well!

  4. Just remember what you wished you had done differently when this move is over. You have just one more to do so make it your best one!
    Happy New Year! :-)

  5. Good luck with the move.

  6. yup, perfect day boxing day,, have a wonderful smooth move,, if you have a mover count your boxes ,,, we lost several when we moved and didn't know until much later,,
    best wishes in your new place,

  7. Have a wonderful move, if such a thing exists. I don't envy your move, but it is the next step toward your full time farm dreams and that is enviable!

  8. As Margaret said an appropriate day, Boxing Day!
    Good luck I am sure all will go well.

  9. Good Luck! Remember unpacking is like Christmas. Even with each box, bin or tub we moved being well labeled we still are "Finding" things!

  10. Happy Moving Day! By New Year's, you'll be pretty well settled in the new place!

  11. Hi from the sunshine state, but it's raining,that's ok, we need it.
    Moving on boxing that's funny.
    How very exciting, you will be all moved and settled in for the New Year, hope the cats cope with the move, I am sure they will be fine once the hustle and bustle is over and their people are back to a normal routine.

  12. one of the most stressful things you can do in a relationship is move.


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