
Tuesday, December 22, 2015


When we were cutting up our pie pumpkins recently, I put a bunch of seeds in a bowl for possible roasting and put it in the fridge.  Apparently, two seeds were on the outside edge of the bowl and dropped off on the backside.  They stayed there for a few days behind a milk carton. We moved it and found this:

Pumpkin seeds sprouting
The right temperature and the right amount of moisture and they sprouted!  Amazing how resilient and persistent this natural process is. We wanted to keep them and put them in the ground but realistically, it is Winter and they aren't going to survive a freeze (possibly next week according to the weather).  

Still, it was fun to see nature doing what it does best.


  1. Why not, for the hell of it, shove them in a small pot of soil each, cover with a plastic bag and see what happens...

    You may well get a jump on everyone else's pumpkin planting ;)

    1. You know, I should do that, can't hurt and we can see what happens. Heck, at the rate our "Winter" is going, it will be Spring before we know it, ha.

  2. Dani's right. but did you also know that you can "sprout" pumpkin seeds and eat them as sprouts? they are packed with nutrition when sprouted. do some google searches to find out more.

    sending much love! your friend,

    1. I didn't know that! Sprouts I DO know are amazingly healthy....I never thought about pumpkin sprouts. Heck, might be worth trying to get those instead of roasted pumpkin seeds, ha.

  3. "Life finds a way." It's amazing that they germinated in the cold of the refrigerator.

    1. Jurassic Park!! :-) I know, you'd think cold would not equal sprouting but who knows.

  4. You can pot them for indoors and then transplant them carefully.

  5. Replies
    1. LOL they do don't they, I never thought about that.

  6. Yes Gail has the right idea...get a good sized planter and ....well plant them. Then if the pot is big enough you shouldn't have to transplant them at all. Have you tried to grow Ginger?

    1. I've never tried Ginger but have heard it's not hard. I'd love some fresh wild ginger growing around the property.

  7. Cool! I had the exact same thing happen with an apple...went to cut it up for the horses and found 3 sprouted seeds inside! I planted all three, one survived and is doing really well in a pot on my window. Like others have suggested, you should definitely plant your pumpkin seeds too!

    1. Now that's a cool story!!! If it becomes a tree someday, what a great story you will have. I will try this, thanks!!!

  8. Plant your seeds and use them as a house warming plant to yourselves for your new apartment. M


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