
Saturday, January 9, 2016


So when I was in the garden pulling weeds a few weeks back...I noticed the neighbors livestock grazing in our direction.  Normally it's cattle, but this time it was horses...and then I noticed the little donkey behind, and it seemed to be very curious about what I was doing.

So I walked over to the fence and called him over.  He was hesitant at first, but curious and ultimately friendly...

He came over and let me scratch his forehead, behind his ears (he LOVED that) and his neck.  In fact, he stuck around for the whole time I was out there...while the horses moved around, he stayed, grazing and staring at me...

Sweet Donkey I went back and gave him some more attention and I swear I thought he was going to fall asleep right there.  He was a sweetie.  

We don't know much about donkeys but they seem like fun and friendly animals to have around.  

Who knows, maybe someday!


  1. most donkeys are really friendly and lovable.

  2. Check out She has donkeys. This is actually her 2nd set of donkeys. They are very friendly.

  3. Check out She has donkeys. This is actually her 2nd set of donkeys. They are very friendly.

  4. I grew up with the sweetest donkey ever. He seemed more dog than horse temperament.

  5. Donkeys. like all equines are intelligent, curious & social creatures. My Sister has 2 donkeys on her little farm. They were adopted specifically to guard herd animals like goats, cattle or sheep. A few months ago, they had a coyote try to get to their chickens and one of the donkeys killed with predator with one swift kick to the coyote's head. This happened at night & the donkey woke everyone up with it's loud braying. The donkey has been used for many centuries to guard herd animals like cattle, sheep and goats. The only time you usually see a donkey run is at feeding time, otherwise they are pretty slow moving. They do love those scritches as you discovered.

  6. They are great watch dogs.

  7. Maybe I need a donkey instead of a dog to guard my chickens. Yeah, the neighborhood would have a fit. Maybe you should carry an apple or carrot in your pocket.

  8. Melting at the sight of that cutie! I hope to use a mini or two for guarding here. All I recall is that their reputation for stubbornness is justified, and that their memories, especially for mistreatment, are long lived.

  9. I like donkeys as well. :O).
    So today I started my first batch of Blackberry Merlot. A 6 gallon batch. Organic :O) , no sulfites added or other chemicals. I will either wound up with some nice blackberry merlot or 6 gallons of blackberry vinegar ROFL... wish me luck...No I do not have my beehives or supers painted yet... geesh I need 48 hours in a day!

  10. Donkeys can kick an invader to death. That doesn't mean the donkey will kick you, but if something comes around and upsets him, get out of the way.


  11. What a little cutie! Animals seem to recognize people who are kind and love animals. You've got a new buddy!

  12. We had a donkey when I was young. My dad use to dry out bread in the oven till they were hard and crispy then feed it to the donkey as a treat. Phoebe loved it. They are very intelligent animals.

  13. if you haven't already found it, this is a wonderful donkey/farm blog: - she often writes as you have, about how sweet and loving donkeys are. and the blog is written so lovingly about all the animals there and the farm. --suz in ohio

  14. 1st Man,

    Not only have you found a new friend, he/she will keep snakes away in the spring and summer time. Donkey's also make for a great alarm system when strangers approach. They love attention, and little snacks like carrots, and apples.


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