
Monday, February 15, 2016

A BIT MORE DONE it was a much slower process than I realized it would be.  Perhaps I was wearing my rose colored glasses.  Or perhaps I was just worn out.  Either way, I got a lot done but it didn't seem like it when I looked around at the end of the day.  I wished I had "before" pics, I thought I already had them on the computer so I organized away and then came home and couldn't find them.  

So these are the "after" pictures.

Ikea shelving unit with storage boxes
This is one side of the sitting area off the master bedroom.  We already had the shelving unit.  We also already had the white storage containers (Ikea), they were just scattered all around.  Now with the sale of the house in town, they are together again.  These will provide all important storage in the small house.  We found the bulletin board years ago at a going out of business sale.  We stored it in the garage in town and to be honest, I forgot about it until we started packing up things.  It's large, about 5' wide, and fits above this storage console perfectly.  My idea for this sitting area is to make it my craft/office area.  The bulletin board will be a great place to pin things and ideas.  Hmm, I guess it's just like an old-school version of "Pinterest", LOL!

Shelves above bookcase
On the opposite wall in the sitting area, we have the same console/shelving unit and we put shelves above it.  They've just been collecting stuff piled up and so it was time to organize.  The jars on top are one gallon jars that we used to have dried herbs in (herbal crafting).  They will be filled again one of these days. 

On the second shelf are our binders of recipes, craft ideas, articles we've taken out of magazines, etc.  Several are even empty, just waiting for new ideas.  I didn't get to the shelving unit below but it will be a work in progress as it will house all our crafting supplies.  As I find them in various boxes, I bring them here.  More on that in a future post.

In the end, I emptied two large boxes and put up a bunch of little stuff in other drawers, rooms, etc. I almost have the foyer/entry way done as well, so that's good.

Bees were good, everything else looked good.  Could have made more of a dent if I had gone Sunday (or spent the night) but it was Valentines Day after all.  

Hope you had a great weekend!


  1. Love your "old school" pinterest board.

    1. Ha, I thought that was funny when I realized it. :-)

  2. Looks and sounds like great progress.

    1. It is, just slower than I had hoped. but every step!!!

  3. I confess I still have an old school Pinterest board also! Progress is always good.

    1. Isn't that funny? I can't wait to pin some ideas on there. 2nd Man said "don't clutter it up" but um, hello, it's an interest/planning board!!

  4. Replies
    1. I don't have to worry about losing info if there is a crash. I suppose the only crash would be it falling off the world, LOL!

  5. Looking good! I really like your areas of organization/storage - especially the jars.

    1. Thanks, yep, the jars need to be washed but they will make great storage for crafting supplies.

  6. remember you can use the cardboard from all those boxes in the garden, just opened up and laid on the ground and weighted down, does a great job of suppressing weeds, grass etc for prep of any new beds.

    1. Thank you for that reminder!! We do have a stack and here at the apt, I can go downstairs to the dumpster area (it's indoors) and can get more.


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