
Friday, February 12, 2016


I have a fetish.  Now don't go all 50 Shades of Gray on me, it's a JAR fetish.  I love storage jars because I like being able to see what we have (and how much left).  Recently, I found these great "barrel jars" by Anchor Hocking.

Anchor Hocking Barrel Jars with Handles
I bought six of them for the farm (they were on sale at HomeGoods).  We filled three of them (well, looking at this photo, maybe "filled" is not 100% accurate, LOL) with lentils and rice.  The other three are waiting to be filled.  Then I got out the handy dandy label maker and printed up some clear labels.  2nd Man loves the handles because he can pull one off the shelf and carry it quickly to the counter. We are hoping this keeps the bugs out and they are definitely 100% mouse proof so that's good.  

It's a (small) part of cleaning up and organizing the mudroom/pantry at the farm. Of course, I only did this one shelf once we got the jars but I'll keep chipping away at it!  Good weather is here for the weekend, a bit cool according to the forecast, but that's OK, we'll take it.  

Gotta get that house straightened up before Spring comes so I can focus on the outside then!


  1. I like those, the handles are a great idea!!

    1. They are really nice to use. Make it very easy.

  2. I have the same fetish ! can't resist a nice clean sparkling jar just waiting for me to put dry goods in. I love those barrel jars, I haven't seen anything like those here in UK but I'll be looking now, perhaps on Ebay ?

    1. Aren't they great? I do know they sell them on Amazon (at least amazon here). I updated the post with the link to them. Maybe do a similar search at UK amazon.

  3. i love these. now if i just had space for them!

    1. It's nice when you start from scratch and can make space for them from the beginning, ha.

  4. Great looking jars.
    yuppers. I store my dried pasta in jars of which as soon as I get home it goes from the package right into glass jars, dried beans, brown and white sugar, flour; so on and so one. Using my label maker I label each and every jar.
    By having things in glass containers you can see how low you are getting on an item and know when to buy more.
    Yup. Glass / see through containers is the way to goplus it looks nice and neat on the pantry shelves

    1. Wanted to ask; are those the 1 gal. size?

    2. Yes, they are the 1 gallon large ones. At marshall's home goods store, they have them fairly regularly. They are about $6 there. Slightly pricier on Amazon of course. Love how clean and neat they make things look. We have all glass jars in the pantry in town too. and yep, as soon as I get home from the grocery store, the rice, flour, sugar, pasta, whatever, goes right in.

  5. Well, the first thing I noticed about those jars are the nice wide openings - that will make is so easy when it comes to scooping out a cupful. Little details like that really make all the difference...and looking great on the shelf doesn't hurt either!

    1. Oh yes, I should have mentioned that, nice wide openings you can get your hand all the way in to scoop things out. And bonus, yep, they look nice, ha.

  6. Dont they look great....much healthier than plastic and if mice get really hungry they eat through even tupperware....ask me how I know !
    Charity shops here in Australia are good for finding jars of all sizes, I have slowly been replacing all my plastic storage with glass.
    Some homeware shops even have Pyrex glass square or rectanglr containers for fridge being able to see leftovers.

    1. Mice will eat through tupperware? Wow! I guess glass it is! LOL!

  7. What a great find! I have the same fetish, along with baskets.

    1. OH yeah, I kinda have a basket fetish too, ha!!

  8. never saw jars like that; LOVE the handle and the fact that they are mouse/bug proof!

    1. The hand is wonderful for picking up and taking to the counter. We are going to keep cereal in a couple and can just take it to the table.

  9. We are using 1/2 gallon canning jars for dry storage and as my counter canisters. You know food is beautiful!The only thing is I have GOT to make sure to keep the sugar and salt clearly labelled.

    1. Food IS beautiful isn't it? Even simple foods have a beauty when you can seem them. Ha, so true about salt and sugar. Have know a few people who made that mistake.

  10. Bug and mouse proof and they look so good - can’t get better than that! I love the way they look on your shelf.

  11. Oi do Brasil! Acompanho seu blog há algum tempo e quero parabenizá-los pelo ótimo conteúdo!
    Se me permitem, gostaria de dar uma sugestão: coloquem folhas secas de louro e 1 dente de alho com casca dentro das jarras. Isso evitará o bolor e eliminará qualquer larva de insetos que estiver nos grãos. Vida longa para os grãos na sua despensa!

  12. Hi from Brazil! I follow your blog for some time and I want to congratulate you for the great content!
    If I may, I would like to make a suggestion: put dried bay leaves and 1 clove garlic in shell inside the jars. This will prevent mold and eliminate any larvae of insects that are in the grains. Long live the beans in your pantry!

    1. Great suggestion Majestade PAA on adding bay leaves and clove garlic to jarred dried beans. Have never heard that but I know I will be doing so from now on.
      Thank you

    2. Thank you so much for posting in English. I can read a bit of Spanish but it take me a long time, ha. Thanks for the kind words, thanks for the awesome suggestions and we hope you'll keep visiting!!

    3. Colleen, that was a great suggestion? I think I've heard that before but never knew the details. Hey, it can't hurt, right?

  13. Love these!

    I use some older instant coffee jars that were saved here from who knows when.

    Bad news, sometimes the bug eggs come in the product but it will prevent to spread by having them contained in a jar. I freeze my flour and it seems to help.

    1. I think I remember those jars. Any size or shape is great (and it actually helps to have different sizes to fit the pantry). Speaking of, working on another spot at the farm that will have picture of soon, more of a baking pantry with jars. Stay tuned!!

      And thanks for the info about freezing. Kinda creepy to think they eggs are already in it but hey, it's all part of life right?


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