
Sunday, February 7, 2016


Most every Sunday, we try to post an image of old posters that we find during online surfing.  We enjoy the ones that reflect farming, gardening and/or food preservation and rationing.  We enjoy them because we often wonder if anyone today would heed the kind of advice they gave back then...enjoy!

Help Us Preserve Your Surplus Food, image courtesy of Library of Congress
Now this is an interesting poster image.  This comes from the early 1940's and was apparently a teaching/classroom type event that you signed up for.  In conjunction with the Work Project's Administration, Pennsylvania State College, Church Organizations and Garden Club, it taught people how to save and preserve their surplus food.  

I would love to have known what they taught, my guess would be canning?  How amazing would it be for groups to get together today to teach this? Of course, knowing today's society, some would say "surplus food? What's that?".  Sadly more food is probably thrown away today than was ever preserved then.

Hope you are having a good weekend!
Book giveaway coming tonight!


  1. In some states if you have two weeks food stored and on hand your considered a hoarder! Ralph and I are working hard to have a safe and secure food supply and to store what we raise. Surplus....humn we need to define surplus.

    1. LOL that's so true. Or if you tell friends/family you are storing food they think you're crazy, ha. But yes, we want to store as well.

  2. I like this idea, how neat that the country did that. I've seen some canning classes in my area but I think they don't do it from the perspective of having surplus to keep and have food supply at home. Most people probably don't think about that. Thanks for the poster images, love them.

    1. It is kind of nice to think of a time (minus the war of course) when this was popular and widespread. You're right I bet most people today never give that a second thought. Glad you enjoy the images! They are fun for sure! A different time!

  3. I saw this right after I'd come in from my garden, with a bucket of produce. It reminds me that I need to preserve the jalapeno peppers that survived until the latest freeze and I also need to juice out and freeze my Meyer Lemons. With a bumper crop of kumquats, I need to find some recipes to preserve their surplus.
    As for groups today that teach food preservation and other skills, there are Extension Education Clubs which are connected to the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, with offices in every Texas county. They used to be called Home Demonstration Clubs - my mom and grandma were lifelong members.
    I inherited a beautiful hutch from my mom and that's where I keep my home-canned produce - so pretty with all the colorful jars.

    1. Oh I bet the hutch is SO pretty with the jars. I love the look of canning jars all lined up in a row. Meyer lemon tree? I want one of those to grow at the farm. I think the soil just might not work. If I could just have a meyer lemon and a lime of some sort, I'd be a happy camper!!

      Kumquats....hmm, I bet that might grow out there. I'll have to look into that this Spring when the trees come in at the garden centers.

  4. I think preserving food should be a way of life. We are too ready to toss things rather than process them. I am guilty! 2 years ago we had a bumper crop of green beans. I got tired of canning them and threw about 3 pounds of them away. I could have at least frozen them for soups and stews. I am still embarrassed I did that

    1. Don't be embarrassed it's almost human nature now and it's hard habit to break. We do the same. It's hard too when you have all the garden producing so much and it seems overwhelming.


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