
Wednesday, February 10, 2016


Here's another recipe that 2nd Man came up with out of necessity (i.e. lack of ingredients).  We had some good thick pork chops and some mixed bell peppers.  That was it.  Other than standard pantry and fridge staples of course.

First, he pan seared the pork chops in a cast iron skillet and then took them out and set them aside to rest.  Next, he put in sliced pepper strips, sautéing them until tender in the pan drippings.  They were left in the pan while making a standard gravy.  Flour and milk added to make the base of a gravy (like a roux) and then enough chicken (or vegetable) stock to finish it.  Stir and cook until thickened.  Lastly, he added the chops back to the finished pepper gravy to heat them back up and served.

Three Pepper Smothered Pork Chops
Plate the pork chops, adding three pepper gravy over the top.  We served with a  side of peas and mashed potatoes.  There isn't really a recipe to write down, other than cook some pork chops and make a good thick gravy with sautéed peppers.  Just more an idea of something to mix and make together that tastes yummy in the end!



  1. Yum-E! Got any leftovers? - I'll be there for supper!

  2. Sounds like 2nd man cooks a lot like I do - making do with what one has on hand. I think pork chops need gravy. I find them too dry otherwise.

    1. Absolutely, we always laugh and say it's time for a dinner like on "Chopped"...your ingredients are X Y and Z. Now make something out of it, LOL!

  3. Sounds good/looks delicious! I am back on the paleo wagon (go Lent!) and am going to try and create a paleo version of this!

  4. Yummy this looks good. Ironically i have some peppers and a few pork chops. We have had pork chops and gravy but this looks like a nice flavorful twist. Thx!

    1. Hey, there you go! Hope you like it. The peppers really add some nice flavor and make it a bit different. Not to mention it's visually appealing too!

  5. YUM! Next time put an extra pork chop on for me Please. :}


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