
Monday, February 22, 2016


So Saturday was the next day of clearing things out and putting them where they belong. For those who missed it, we sold our house in town (home for 16 years) and downsized a bit to move to an apartment.  But there were things that didn't fit at the apartment and other things that we still want but don't need in town and they had to go to the farm as well.  Needless to say, things where a bit cluttered.  OK, a lot cluttered.  When carrying things in and your arms are full, it's so easy to just put it on the bed.  Then when that's full, put it on the table.  Then the other bed.  Then the dresser.  Then the couch.  Then the floor.  And then...well, you get the picture.  

Last weekend, it was the sitting area off the bedroom that I worked on, and the weekend before that was the living room.  

This weekend it was time to focus on the bedrooms.

This is the bedroom before.  The bed was filled with stuff.  It was just a matter of putting it all where it would ultimately go.  I also did another culling of stuff and ended up with a couple bags of trash (turns out we didn't need whatever that was after all).

And here it is after!  Everything put up!  Lots of walking back and forth to other rooms to cabinets and drawers and shelves, but it's done, that's all that matters. 

And now the bed is sleep ready, ha!  However, there was no sleeping on Saturday, still lots more to do.

Here is the dresser in the master bedroom, also piled up with stuff...

...and here it is after, cleaned off and looking nice.  Drawers are also organized.  

Next it was into the guest room.  
Look, another dresser piled up with stuff, imagine that!

But it looks much nicer when it's cleared off and neat!  By the way, this dresser is an old child's dresser.  It's still empty (has drawers inside cabinet doors) so we still have room for storing of things.

And here is the bed in the guest room.  YIKES!  Quilts, blankets, knick knacks, cooking supplies, boxes of photos, linens, games, even an electric turkey fryer (we use it for boiling large amounts of water).  So some stuff went to the kitchen, some to other rooms and closets, even the barn (the turkey fryer).

And now the guest room is nice and neat as well. 

Next stop will be the kitchen, the dining room (you should see THAT table, LOL) and mudroom.  Of course, after all that, then comes the porch, and by then, it should be time to mow and edge again. It's never-ending, that's for sure!

Happy Monday!


  1. Wow nice job and I LUV your guestroom

  2. That last pic is how the unfinished section of our basement looks every fall. I mean, who has time for these things when the garden is in full swing?? So I leave the cleanup until the winter & it always feels so amazing when it's actually possible to walk in a straight line down there instead of zig zagging through the clutter :)

    1. We've all been there haven't we? LOL! Oh my that's why I'm trying so hard to get things cleaned up before Spring hits in full force (and it looks like it's coming early, ha). The end result is a nice feeling.

  3. Everything looks lovely! I could use you for about a week!! R U 4 Hire? :)

    1. Thanks! Have arms will travel, LOL! Though my energy might be waning soon, ha!!

  4. Well done! I adore the quilt on the bed in the master b.r.!

    1. Thanks, that was a thrift store find a few years ago. It fits the blue and white theme well.

  5. Awesome and I love that quilt too!

  6. Wow.
    Super busy, and super productive.
    Puts me to shame.

    1. Don't say that it was just a whirlwind day of working (of course it helps I'm still in the "moving" state of mind, ha).

  7. Your making progress and that's a good thing.
    Looks like things are beginning to take shape.

    1. Yes, it's such a relief. Still more to do but much has been done and that feels good.

  8. I would LOVE to stay in your guest room; it looks so warm and inviting!

  9. Always tickled to see we're doing the same things at the same time, and at times with the same products. You give me hope that there is an end to this road LOL.

    1. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. What I've found is just take it a bit at a time, don't sweat the small stuff just do what you can when you can and eventually you'll get there!!

  10. that is a lot of work you did there. and like anne marie said above I'm over the moon about your guest room. You may have shown pictures in years passed but can you share more pics now? I am in love with the flowers and pastels. Gorgeous!!!

    1. Well what a nice comment, thanks. The guest room is one room that we sort of consider finished (well, it was, then messed up, now straightened up again ha). I will get some pics together and have a post just for that. The room is a combination of things our mothers loved.

  11. Wow, you have been busy! The before and after pictures are amazing.
    I love the décor in each room - very cozy and comfortable.

    1. Thanks! We want to make the farm just that, cozy and comfortable, a getaway, like staying at a bed and breakfast, ha.

  12. Great progress!!! You have been working hard. Looks good.

    1. It's work but it's 'fun' work, if that make sense. thank you!!!

  13. Everything looks really nice a Home Sweet Home ....looks like all is falling into place..slowly but surely. : )

    1. Home Sweet Home, love it! Thank you!!!

    2. I came back to add ... love the way the second dresser looks with the flowers and the flirty lamp shade. Very pretty!

  14. Can you make house calls....PLEEEAAASSSEEEE! I have a house in desperate need of your touch!!!!

    1. LOL, thanks, that makes me feels good. Of course I might only have one in me, ha.

  15. 1st Man,

    Look at that, you've really put things away. I'm thinking you really really need to be an interior decorator. We all would hire you :-)

    1. Well you know how to make my night, ha. Thanks for that. 2nd man leaves most of this to me (I leave the food creating to him, ha) and so I guess I've gotten to be an old pro at it. For what that's worth, ha.

  16. You guys have been busy! I love the before and after photos. They really give a sense of accomplishment.

    1. Ah thanks for that. We've got to work on this stuff now. It's kind of nice to start, more or less anyway, from scratch with what to take out to the farm but we do have limited space, ha. Thanks again (and everyone reading this, go visit Leigh's blog, there are baby animals just born!!!)


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