
Sunday, February 28, 2016


So yesterday, I was at the farm and it was a beautiful day.

The mesquite trees still think it's Winter...

...and the grass weeds also still think it's Winter...

Fruit tree blooms
...but the fruit trees seem to think Spring is here...they are all starting to bloom, including the ones I haven't gotten in the ground yet...

Roasted chicken with broccolini 
When I came home, 2nd Man had roasted some chicken breasts over a bed of broccolini and we had that with mashed potatoes and gravy.  It was a great and satisfying meal to come home to.  I got the kitchen done (yay!) it was mostly an all day job.  I will have a post tomorrow with before and after pictures.  

We have some errands in town today so it will be a quiet but satisfying end to the weekend.


  1. I want to live with you, ha.

  2. i'll be right over for dinner! it's 70 degrees here. so weird!

    1. Come on down! :-) The weather has been VERY odd this year.

  3. I do have some roses in bloom and others getting new growth on. Sure enjoying these Spring temperatures.

    1st Man; you not know; Texas has only 2 Seasons; Summer & Winter. Usually they alternate days within the same week.
    Really freaking Hot, and Cold with random snowfall. :}

    1. Ha, so SO true. Blink and you miss it! Thought honestly here this year, I think we've only gotten to freezing once or twice and just barely.

  4. What a gorgeous day it was! Beautiful picture of your blooming fruit tree. Mine are starting to bloom also. And what a supper to come home to - yum!

    1. It was a wonderful weekend wasn't it? Hope it continues for awhile. Thanks!!!

  5. Today is 10 degrees Celsius here in southern Ontario. Thank you for your lovely pics. They warm the heart and soul.

    1. BRRRR!!!! Glad we could send some "virtual Spring" your way! Stay warm (and safe!)

  6. You and 2nd Man should do a Bed & Breakfast. All your advertising materials are right here on the blog. I'd be right there.

    1. You are too kind. Thank you for that. Who knows, maybe someday, ha.

  7. ugh. i hate to be the downer but when our apple trees blossom too soon...i get terrified that it is too soon and one night of frost is going to wipe them out. do you have any frost coming in the next several weeks? we have had a very mild last couple of weeks and i keep checking the trees (and blueberry, blackberry and raspberry bushes) for signs of buds. none so far, thank goodness! we have 2 more months that could end up being mild weather but frost overnight...not good for the fruit blossoms! i am soooo looking forward to spring..but not false spring.

    that meal looks delicious and i am glad that you enjoyed it so much! can't wait for more pics and sending much love as always! your friend,

    1. Thank you for that, not a downer at all...these are things we need to learn. I don't think we have any freezes in the forecast at least for the next 10 days, but I'll keep an eye out. If I have to, I can move these (they are in pots) inside the barn to keep them warmer.

      I hope you get a real spring soon!!! Thanks as always and MUCH love to you both!

  8. A successful day ending with a good meal...can't beat that.

  9. I look forward to seeing the before and after photos.

    1. They are up, hope you enjoyed them! And new ones today!

  10. Good early Morning! Only in Texas! Red Buds are beginning to bloom in Austin Tx and yesterday I saw some little yellow wildflowers blooming in a nearby field. Spring is definitely in the air!

    1. DEFINITELY!! Indian Paintbrush coming up too!!

  11. Yummm.... mashed potatoes and gravy! Hooray for spring flowers!


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