
Friday, March 11, 2016


No words for this image, just Friday sleeping cat cuteness...

Our stormy skies have cleared out and we are waiting to hear from 2nd Family to let us know the rain total at the farm. 



  1. I see the sun-puddles are everywhere today. Deb (Ontario Canada)

  2. 1st Man,

    Like you our storms have stopped. Just waiting for things to dry up in order to work in the garden and cut the grass again.

  3. It just finish raining here..Big rain drops! The sky is getting brighter and looks like our rain is moving on to other places. Weekend looks good for a bit of garden work .. all is well, all is swell. Y'all have a good weekend!


  4. Been getting a light mist off and on here all day. We have gotten over 3 inches so far since the rains started Monday.

  5. May the amount be just what you needed.

    Happy cat.

  6. They lead SUCH a hard life don't they? Not. In my next life I really want to come back as a cat. Preferably one of mine (which will be difficult) so I can be suitably indulged.

  7. That time of year again to Spring forward.
    Remember to set your clocks Ahead 1 hour and don't do like I did last year and ended up setting it back an extra hour. Boy, was I ever behind everyone else; but only for a short period of time.

  8. You know what? Sometimes, no words are needed. That is a wonderful picture! I hope nature was kind to your farm, we have seen the scenes of devastation and prayed for all of you affected.

  9. How much do we love our animals, so sweet.

  10. Such a peaceful scene. I love seeing my kitties in all their sleeping spots too.

  11. Hey Guys!
    Just found your blog this morning. Just surfing the net, sunny Saturday morning in Ky, and here you are. Raised in the north, borne for KY countryside-as far out as the dirt roads would take me. So I can identify with your blog.
    I see you have so much SPARE time on your hands..haha..maybe its time you turned your journey into a book? Fiction based in reality, or just the real deal, I bet it would sell. Great story tellers enrich this old people kick back and look back, or forward, or dream. You certainly have a story to tell, and the creativity to tell it. Great blog!


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Now, let us hear from you!