
Thursday, March 17, 2016


Every Thursday, we like to post a picture of something we've found online that inspires us to do something similar at the farm.  
Sort of our own blog bulletin board so that we can eventually look back and hopefully recreate it...enjoy!

Image via Pinterest
This is apparently a "thing" now...and it's pretty neat.  They are called spilled flowers or spilled flower pots.  Such a cute idea and we think it's a great way to pop in a random flower bed that can be haphazard and in the middle of the yard.  It's pretty simple are you can see, and starts as a tipped over container, most of the ones we've seen use whiskey barrels.  They are then filled with dirt spilling out onto the ground and planted with flowers.

Simple, pretty and definitely a conversation starter in your yard!

Be inspired!

Image via
Update:  2nd Man is appreciative of the comments you all left yesterday for his birthday.  He will respond to each one in the next few days.  Speaking of, there are a lot of comments I need to reply to as well, but blogger has not been allowing me to update comments individually, instead putting them as additional comments.  It's supposed to be fixed today so I'll catch up too!


  1. They are so pretty but you must bury about half the pot / container down in the dirt.
    I have done one some years ago using an old cream can that used to be one of our old farm items.

    1. A cream can would be cool, very 'farm like', ha. Yeah, I didn't think about that, burying half of it. Perhaps a broken one would work

  2. They are just beautiful but everything beautiful in Southern Living requires a boatload of labor. sometimes I wish S.L. would get off my back! Because I live in the South I sometimes buy into their myth that I must be a magnolia head and only use my sterling and china while sipping tea from my white tablecloth covered table under the oaks in my backyard, with an appropriately vintaged chandelier that has been repurposed with homemade citronella candles hanging from a branch to provide appropriate ambient lighting for all of my guests at my celebration of the daffodils party.

    1. LOL that is true and true of many other mags as well ha. That is too funny. I like bits and pieces but you're right many times it's way over the top.

  3. Oh what fun...
    And a great use for pots which have broken.

    1. Yep, I was just thinking about that after Colleen mentioned it.

  4. Really pretty! That would make a nice accent for a front door, a sitting area, or the entrance to your vegetable garden.

    1. I never thought about the veggie garden entrance. Good idea!

  5. 1st Man,

    Love this idea. One could use broken pots in this manner.

    1. That's a great suggestion indeed! Thank you!


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Now, let us hear from you!