
Friday, April 22, 2016


 2nd Family checked out the house for us, a couple of shingles off, a utility pole bent a bit, but everything else looked ok, albeit really, REALLY wet.  

They knew we'd like to see this as a surprise, so they snapped this picture of flowers in the midst of the wetness...

It's near our house, just springing up...

I'm guessing this looks like some sort of canna.  The funny thing is we didn't plant it and it has never been there in the couple of years past.  Perhaps a bird dropping something?  A woodland creature digging up stuff elsewhere and bringing it here?  I was thinking cannas grow from some sort of bulb?  We wondered if we cleared out around it, is there a way to make them multiply or dig up part to plant elsewhere?  We'll take anything that grows well like this in wet and heat, ha.  

Anyone have an canna advice/tips?


  1. It does grow from a bulb and it will spread. They like wet areas and you will see them in ditches quite often. You can transplant but make sure it gets enough water. Could be all the rain has spurred it to bloom.

    1. Thanks for this info!! I bet it's the rain for sure. I know some wet areas where I could divide and plant some. Thanks!

  2. There is nothing better than "found" plants. Several years ago we noticed monkey grass had appeared in the yard which we figure is the result of a passing bird. Conversely we found a quite dead water moccasin in the pool that we also think is the result of a passing bird, since moccasins do not live around our house, but there is a very large pond about 1/2 mile away as the crow fies and we often see snakes swimming in it.

    1. Isn't it though? I love that. Nature finds a way!!! Except for those snakes, LOL!

  3. What a lovely little gift, regardless of how it arrived. :)

  4. What a beautiful surprise. It’s like one of my favorite quotes: “Life finds a way.” Nature constantly amazes me.
    Cannas grow from rhizomes. They grow very well in this area and are easy to care for. They will spread through their underground rhizomes. I have some yellow ones that someone gave me over 15 years ago (I’ll send you some). There are some cultivated species of different colors, some even have variegated foliage.
    I really like that photo - beauty and life in the midst of adversity.

    1. Amen to that. It does find a way for sure. I will start to clear the area around this to give it room to "breathe" and then maybe it will multiply. Thank you so much!

      Yep, beauty in adversity!

  5. What a lovely surprise, the thing that makes gardening so fun. In our area cannas have to be dug up in the fall and replanted in the spring. Hence, we have none. Too lazy.

    1. Wow, so I guess they don't like the cold cold huh? Thanks!!!

  6. Do you know the history of your land? Even here in Texas, with all our space, it is rare that we are the first to homestead a piece of property. I sometimes find the most unexpected plants in pasture or commercial property. I always think they are left from some farm woman who wanted a little beauty in her hardscrabble life. Enjoy and wonder. Julia

    1. Thanks for this. You are right it could very well be that. As far as we can tell, the land was always cattle land, but who knows for sure over time. I love thinking that might have been a farm woman who was looking for something pretty to see outside. Thanks!!!

  7. The conditions were just right for the canna this year.

    Glad you are safe and have only minimal damage.

    Have a blessed weekend.

    1. Thank you!!! Yep, perfect to give us a splash of color! Love it!


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