
Sunday, April 24, 2016


17" of rain...that's a LOT of water!

I put the rubber boots on (God I love these things!). Standing water everywhere...

Not sure what happened to this tree (a mesquite) but it's a goner...

This is the pond site (yep, we have a natural pond site and to say it's overfull would be an exaggeration).  It's about 1 1/2 acres of water.  This is on our 'future project' list to have it turned into a 'real' pond but for now, it's where all the water from the property goes on its way to the road and ditches at the front of the property.

This is why I couldn't mow, these ruts are from where I mowed last weekend, just a low spot, and now it's full of water.  These are all over the trails so there would just be no way to do anything outside.

This is interesting, we looked for these around the property...this tall grass is laid down flat because water was flowing through this area.  We want to learn where these spots are for the future.

This is one of the main roads to get to the farm.  See the laid down grass?  See the bridge up ahead?

This is looking out the car window down to the "creek" below. This creek is mostly a trickle during the year.  Even after a few days of normal rain, it's not this much.  But after the monsoon rainfall we received, that water rose all the way up and over the bridge, and then flowed down over the grass in the picture before this one.  This road was flooded for about 3 days.  This is about a mile from the farm. 

And guess what?  Here is the radar today.  We had two days of sunshine, and now this.  Not what our area needs.

More tomorrow...including the bad part.  


  1. Water does rule so it's best to plan around the natural flow of it.

    Glad the waters are receding.

    1. Amen to that. And that one spot was having some pretty strong flowing water....glad to know where it is now. Note: don't plant/build anything in that path, ha.

  2. That's a lotta water! I'm glad your house and barns did not get flooded.
    It's good you are noting the potential problem areas on your property - it will help in avoiding problems for future projects.
    As for the goner mesquite tree, cut it up and save it for some mesquite-smoked barbecue!

    1. Hey, there is so much mesquite around the property we'll never be at a shortage for that! ha. And yum, mesquite is so good for grilling!! yum!!!!

      Yep, noting all the water spots for sure. No planting or building for sure, ha!!

  3. 1st Man,

    We headed down to TX last weekend, and the water was terrible all along the roadway and not to far under bridges. Be cared, more nasty rain and storms coming.


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