
Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Every Wednesday for the month of April, I will post wildflower photos taken around the farm.  For us, it seems that March showers bring April flowers.  At least in these parts!

So enjoy the beauty of Texas Wildflower season!
(click each to make bigger)

Texas Wildflowers
I wish I knew what they all were, we do have a Texas wildflower book (and some of you have sent great links on ID'ing them but haven't had time to slow down and do that).  I swear the one above looks like a painting...

Not sure what these are, wish the camera had gotten a better picture.  They were so gorgeous with the sunlight shining on them, they were almost glowing. 

There are a few bluebonnets popping up in this photo.  We think the variety of color in every field is what makes wildflower season so enchanting.

More wildflower photos next Wednesday!


  1. All those wonderful bright colors waving about on spring breezes, so beautiful!

    1. Oh yes, even pretty photos just don't do it justice in person. It's surreal times. Thanks!

  2. What beautiful flowers. I tried to get wildflowers to grow in my yard, but I can barely get grass to grow. The soil is very sandy where I live in Florida.


    1. Hey, even here where they grow so well (wild) when we try to do it on purpose, it doesn't always work, ha.

  3. Just beautiful.
    Most of our wildflowers are yellow. Still pretty, but very different.

    1. That's interesting!! Lots of yellow here too but thankfully lotsa other colors too.

  4. The flowers in your second picture look like wild phlox to me - they grow here in WI where I live too. They can be white, pale pink, and various shades of lavender/purple. You will be able to find phlox in many varieties/colors if you go to a garden center, and the plant looks just like the wild ones. One of my favorites ;).

    1. Wild phlox? I googled it and yep, that seems like that's it. Thank you! They are SO pretty. I might have to check the garden centers now. :-) Thank you so much!

  5. Replies
    1. I know you must see some beautiful fields of flowers your direction!

  6. 1st Man,

    I love the wild flowers of Texas! Always look forward to seeing them when we go back to visit.

    1. Aren't they worth seeing? So pretty and so fleeting too.

  7. Really lovely. Thanks for sharing!

  8. I'm thinking the second picture is of wild verbena. I can barely see the leaves for the plants, but what I can see looks like verbena leaves, and the flowers certainly look like verbena.

    1. Hmm, after googling wild phlox and thinking it was that and then looking at wild verbena it looks like that too! Ha. Thanks for the suggestion. I went today (Saturday) to find them again and they are already gone. So fleeting!!

  9. Beautiful.
    Love your wildflower photos

    1. May your life be like a wildflower, growing freely in the beauty and joy of each day. - American Proverb

    2. Well isn't that sweet!!! Love that proverb, thank you for sharing!!


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