
Wednesday, April 20, 2016


Every Wednesday for the month of April, I will post wildflower photos taken around the farm.  For us, it seems that March showers bring April least in these parts!

So enjoy the beauty of Texas Wildflower season!
(click each to make bigger)

We love this, it almost looks like a Monet painting.  It was an ocean of blue and yellow (with some pink and purple thrown in for good measure, ha)

Pink, yellow, white and orange...

Hot pink, more yellow, orange, just a palette of never-ending color.  We sure do love Texas Wildflower week, we saved the best for last, the ubiquitous Texas Bluebonnet!



  1. I'm surprised all the flowers aren't underwater! You have had a disastrous amount of water dumped on you.

    1. Well these pics were from the Saturday before the rain but this past weekend they were still out in many places. I guess they are "technically" weeds, ha. The rain was just incomprehensible....and totally beyond our control. We just have to wait for it to stop and see what the outcome is. Thanks!!!

  2. so pretty! my texas bluebells are flowering right now!

  3. Sooo beautiful!

    Hoping the flooding around you is starting to go down.


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