
Wednesday, April 27, 2016


Every Wednesday for the month of April, I will post wildflower photos taken around the farm.  For us, it seems that March showers bring April flowers.  At least in these parts!

So enjoy the beauty of Texas Wildflower season!
(click each to make bigger)

We saved one of the best flowers for last.  

The Texas Bluebonnet.  

Nothing symbolizes Texas' Wildflower season as this flower.  Seeing bright blue flowers in the landscape is so beautiful (and unusual).  Blue and yellow together is even prettier!

It's like an ocean of blue everywhere you turn...

Close up of Bluebonnet flower
Here is one closeup...such a lovely flower.  And the state flower of Texas! What's funny is when you try to plant them on purpose, they almost never grow.  

But spread some seeds around randomly and they do great.  

Texas Wildflowers
I saw this white fence down the road from us.  It was along the front of someone else's property and they had wildflowers growing all around it.  It was truly magical to see in person.  An inspiration for us and our 'future'!

Hope you enjoyed Texas Wildflower season 2016!


  1. Always love the wildflower season, it is so pretty.

    1. It's very pretty and photos just don't do it justice.

  2. I grew some in my yard when I lived in Austin but they didn't return for a 2nd season.

    1. LOL, so true, I remember planting some for my Mom and they grew once but never came back. The ones on the side of the road come back year after year, ha.

  3. LOVE all these pictures! The one of the white fence and wildflowers - gorgeous!

    1. thanks....isn't that last one pretty? Oh how I'd love to have a white fence like that with wildflowers all around it. So neat!!!


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