
Friday, May 27, 2016


Butterfly Freedom  © 2016

"Butterflies are free...

Free to be beautiful, as they 
fly on wings of stained glass art...shapes, colors and patterns that deny their caterpillar start.

Free to be lighter than air, as t
hey fly to nature's every blooming flower...seeking only the sustenance to exist for yet another hour.

Free to just be, as t
hey fly silently, fluttering and ever so gentle...moving through the sunlight like something transcendental.

 Yes indeed, butterflies are free."

                                                    - 1st Man


  1. You wrote that? What a lovely poem for lovely butterflies!

  2. i hate butterflies! i don't know what it is about me but those little bastards attack me when i am outside. every since i was a little kid you can find me running hysterically from butterfly attacks. they are nasty little bugs with nice coats. i must smell like a flower.

    1. My friend is the same with birds.

    2. Hate butterflies? I didn't no that was an actual thing, ha. There is a butterfly place here in Houston that raises them and they fly around inside. It would NOT be a place for you to visit, ha.

    3. Now I have heard of bird fears too.

  3. Wow, that's really good. I like it. - Brenda

  4. what a beautiful poem and soo appropriate for us as we saw our first butterfly yesterday. i have a notebook that i used to get my friends to write something to me - kinda like an autograph book. my best friend at the time wrote "we all start out as caterpillars but you ain't getting me up in that thing" - bahahahah! your poem is very beautiful....maybe you should start "poem tuesday".

    sending much love to the 2 of you. your friend,

    1. ha! I love what your friend wrote. Too funny!!! Thank you for the kind words. Much love to you both!!

  5. I love this! Your words paint beautiful pictures!

  6. Butterflies SHOULD indeed be free. Cases of pinned butterflies make my feel sad and unwell.
    Love your poem.

    1. Yes, I mean, I love the beauty of seeing them up close like that but you are right, there is something sad about that. Their lives are already so short-lived.

  7. Beautiful photos and great poem.
    Have a wonderful and enjoyable weekend.
    Yes, we got rain and Lots of it. Water standing everywhere


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