
Monday, May 30, 2016


Off to the farm today, mainly just to check on things, the house, the bees, the garden, the property in general.  It would be nice if I were able to mow but I'm thinking that even though it hasn't rained for two days, there was just so much Friday, I'll have to wait until NEXT weekend.

Welp, that didn't last long.  I had this post go up, with grand plans to head to the farm.  Checked the radar and guess what?  MORE $*%@ rain coming!

All of this is moving due East, heading this way.  In fact, it's already getting dark at the farm according to 2nd Family.  So, a wonderful three day weekend but plans foiled by rain and flooding.

Happy Memorial Day (the real reason for the long weekend) and a big thank you to all who serve and to those who have had family and friends who have made the ultimate sacrifice.  

You are all appreciated!


  1. Had another shower of rain early this morning but at the moment it has cleared and the sun is shining brightly.
    I remembered to put our flag at half staff this morning; only at half staff till noon.
    Now in honor of our Military.
    God Bless The USA

    Honor Our Military

    Let's honor our military,
    The men and women who serve,
    Whose dedication to our country
    Does not falter, halt or swerve.

    Let's respect them for their courage;
    They're ready to do what's right
    To keep America safe,
    So we can sleep better at night.

    Let's support and defend our soldiers,
    Whose hardships are brutal and cruel,
    Whose discipline we can't imagine,
    Who follow each order and rule.

    Here's to those who choose to be warriors
    And their helpers good and true;
    They're fighting for American values;
    They're fighting for me and you.

    By Joanna Fuchs

    1. Thanks for this, love it! Yep it's pouring right now but the radar looks like it will move on through. Of course, ruined the day for going to the farm but oh well.

  2. oh no! how can you get more rain? you should have planted water lilies!

    1. Yep, it's crazy how much rain we've gotten. There are places around Houston that have gotten a whole year's worth of rain just in April and May alone. This is pushing on through so no flooding but as I said to Colleen, ruined the outside at the farm work this weekend.

  3. I hope your rain stays away from AL. Starting Tuesday, we have 20% forecast every day. My mother was a vet--WWII.

    Does your area grow rice?

    1. Thank you to your Mom!

      I think we have rain in the forecast ever day.

      Yep, rice is a big crop on the outskirts of Houston. Lots of rice fields around....we might have to plant that, ha.

  4. A big thunderstorm just missed us. Yep, radar shows more rain on the way.
    My Dad was a rice farmer - and he always appreciated a good rain. But not a flood!

    Love your Memorial Day poster! Kudos to all those who serve/served.
    Sorry you didn't get to spend the Holiday at the Farm.

    1. And more this week. Sigh. A good rain is good, floods definitely no good, ha.

      Thanks again! And we love rice! Thanks to rice farmers!! :-)


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