
Sunday, May 8, 2016


On this Mother's Day, 2nd Man and I fondly remember our own mothers, who, while no longer with us physically, are always with us in spirit.

We know they'd love to see what we are doing at the farm (and my Mom would be constantly finding new things for us to put there, ha).  So today we say Happy Mother's Day to them and we also say it to all of you out there who visit the blog and have kids of your own, Happy Mother's Day, from us to you!  

Off to the farm again today, a lot is getting done, so excited to get major projects accomplished.  It's never-ending of course, but it will be a relief to at least have these things done.  Yesterday was all day working in and around the garden (it was a jungle).  Today I hope to get working on the flower beds around the house.  Updates later!!

Have a great day!


  1. Thank you for the call out to mom's. While I am a mom, not having my mom still here has changed the day for me to one of remembrance. I'll still gladly accept my children's affections.

    1. Aww, thanks for sharing that. Hope you had a great weekend!!

  2. Happy Mother's day, greetings and warm wishes!

  3. i thank both of your mothers for raising such beautiful sons - they did an excellent job! but i still say - "hey you Mothers! back off! that 2nd bedroom/guest bedroom is mine and jambaloney's!!!!"

    wishing you and 2nd Man a wonderful day of remembering your Mothers. and happy mothers day to all mothers out there!

    sending love! your friend,

    1. That brought some sweet tears to our eyes. Thank you! *guest room, duly noted.

      Much love to you!


  4. Thank God for our Mothers
    If life were without water, where would we be?
    If life were without mothers,
    There would be no you or me.
    We all need to take hold, of how precious life really is,
    and not take for granted the gift of love and the ability to give.
    Thank you to God for creating us all
    For giving us our mothers
    So we can stand proud and tall.
    Humans are no accident, no mistake or error
    We sometimes live our lives in fear of this,
    Even to the point of terror.
    But when the truth is told, and recognized by all,

    God does not create rubbish. He knew what he was doing when he created
    me and you, but the best gift of all, is giving us loving, caring
    Mothers who love us unconditionally through and through.
    None of us are perfect, that includes ourselves and family.
    Hold onto how precious we are and thank God for our mothers.
    By Julia Hunt

    1. That is SO nice. Thank you for sharing that.

  5. I have a very wise cousin who offered Mother's Day wishes to Moms, Mother Figures, Everyone wanting to be a mother and Every one who had a mother they loved. I thought it was a very warm wish for everyone!

  6. I know both of your mothers are looking down on y’all with so much love and pride in their sons.


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