
Saturday, June 25, 2016


Off to the farm today, it's been a dry week so it should be good out there...HOT...

I'm hoping I don't have to mow (mowed it pretty short last weekend), I'd rather use my time to finish edging (have to put on the bee suit and mow around the hives) and then work in the garden. 

Have to get the drip irrigation set up, that's my number one priority. 

Then I'll just roam around and figure out other things to do.

I'd like to get as much done as possible today and then have a day off tomorrow, I need a break, a day of doing's going to be a long, hot Summer...


  1. i hope you get all of your jobs done lickedy-split (but don't overdo it and make sure to take many water breaks!) and then give yourself a nice day off - wander your property and enjoy it's beauty, sit out on the porch and breathe in the majesty.....and relax!

    sending much love to you both! your friend,

    1. THANK YOU! And I did that...I took your advice and just roamed around at the end of the day. Beauty is everywhere when you look for it. :-) Love to you!

  2. I hope you do get your day off. They are sometimes more important than ticking things off the to do list.

    1. Thanks, we always need to remember that don't we? Yep, tomorrow (Sunday) will be a day off. I could go out there and do more but I'm going to relax for a change. :-)

  3. Those days off are important but often my husband and I have to physically leave the farm to relax so we can't continue to SEE all the work still begging to be done. Now, about those bees...we leave a good 20 foot by 20 foot unmowed area around our hives for a couple reasons. The tall grasses and weeds collect rain for them to drink, the vegetation protects them from chemical drift and flowering weeds are another pollen source for them. Now, you have the excuse you needed to reduce your mowing. I have tons of those! Stay cool.

    1. Wow, I never thought about that. You are so right! I think about things to do when I'm in town and I get excited but when I get there, I see all the other stuff still needing to be done. I can imagine you need to leave to get that relaxing time!

      Thanks for the suggestion about the bees. I never thought about that. I guess I like to see it all neat around them but it makes sense. Thank you again!!

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you!! I did, it was nice. Hot, but nice.

  5. LOVE that Hobbit pic, too funny! We're here in San Antonio, it rained today but it was so hot and humid. Argh, I hate summer in Texas. Stay cool and keep up the good work, love your blog.

    1. Hello and thanks for the kind words!! Rained a bit today but light and sporadic. Hotter than hades, ha. We're Lord of the Rings fans too, so we laughed when we saw that.

      Stay cool and don't be a stranger!


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