
Wednesday, June 1, 2016


Saw these at the store the other day...

...haven't seen them before.  It was a metal tin with these intriguing kitties on the top.  Obviously, they are some sort of shortbread cookies.  Perhaps someone from overseas has seen these?  Are they good?  Worth buying?  

I mean really, how can we resist "Kittens in Kilts"???

Yep, another line of heavy rain moved through about 7-9pm.

Now check out this...

ANOTHER WASHOUT week. I swear, I've lived here almost my entire life, 2nd Man was born here, we have never seen anything like this.  These aren't even tropical storms or hurricanes, they are just thunderstorms that never seem to end and dump tons of water.

If anyone knows a temporary 'anti-rain dance' let us know...


  1. The Scottish kittens are adorable. Me, I would buy the cookie tin just for the adorable kittens. If I didn't like the cookies, I would grind them up and use for a crust of some sort.

    The only thing this wet weather is good for is for the ducks and them blasted Mosquitoes.
    Had heavy rainfall late yesterday afternoon and again this morning. :{

    1. Me, too: I want that cookie tin! And chances are slim to none that I wouldn't like the cookies, too.

  2. One summer, 1977 I think, all it did was rain everyday. The temps never got over 87. My children passed a virus back and forth for two+ months. When I thought they all three were well, we would get ready to go and one of them would throw up. We would stay home through three days of vomit, then another would start. I blamed the humidity and low temps.

  3. And in fact there ARE Scottish Wild Cats. And kitties.

    1. There certainly are! And they are getting very rare - a lot of them have interbred with feral cats. There is a conservation program for them now so hope it works - think it will be a while before they are dancing reels in kilts though ;)

  4. Campbell's make good shortbread, I can attest to that and it's a proper Scottish company. Not sure I'd describe them as cookies though? They're definitely a biscuit in the British sense of the word.

  5. i want those kitties! the rain is unreal. and we can't get a drop!

  6. Those cookies had me at “pure butter” - and of course the CUTE kitties in kilts!

    Yep, the rain caught me yesterday evening when I was picking my garden. And then again this morning. With more on the way. I feel sooo sorry for all the people and the poor animals. At least the horses stranded on the porch got moved out to safety today.

    Too bad we can't save some of this rain for the long, hot (probably dry) upcoming summer.

  7. I would buy them for the tin!!

    Stay safe.

  8. My agency is in the flood area and lots of my coworkers are being affected by the water. Several of them have been evacuated from their homes. Yesterday I was hearing about family members whose homes were already filled with water. It is a very sad business. Pray for them if you will?

  9. That weather seems horrendous, we've seen on the news that France and Germany are suffering with unprecedented rainfall at the moment as well. I do hope your farm, and 2nd family's farm can recover quickly!

    The Scottish kitties are lovely, but I've not seen them here in England, however I'm off to Scotland for 2 weeks starting tomorrow! So I'll look out for them, but I'm guessing the biscuits might be made by an American company. No internet unless I find public wi-fi somewhere - no TV, phone internet or radio at the house - but will look forward to catching up with you eventually!

  10. My agency is in the flood area and lots of my coworkers are being affected by the water. Several of them have been evacuated from their homes. Yesterday I was hearing about family members whose homes were already filled with water. It is a very sad business. Pray for them if you will?

  11. The cookies are delicious. I found some at TJ Maxx and found your post via Google. :)

    1. Well thank you for that! I never did get any, I went back and they were one. Boo! I might have to order some online if I can find them. Thank you for the update. Hope you'll come back from time to time. It's an eclectic mix of stuff here. :-)

  12. I saw this yesterday and couldn't resist the kittens. Bought it just for the tin, but found the most delicious shortbread cookies inside! I will look for Campbell's shortbread again, with or without kittens. But, the kittens are the bomb.


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