
Tuesday, June 14, 2016


On Sunday, I was determined to finish mowing, and edge with the new parts to repair the weedeater.

Here is part (a very small part) of the before....on Saturday...

...and here is the after on Sunday.

Oh wait, where is the photo?  That's because there was no chance to do it.  After awakening to the horrible news from Orlando, I wasn't in the frame of mind but I went anyway just to clear my head and try to have happy thoughts, hoping I might get the rest of the things done.  But as it turned out...'s the radar from about 3pm.  I was already back in town (the red dot) and the farm was under the dark red storms.  2nd Family said we got about an inch of rain after I left.  And the power went out and stayed out for about 3 hours.  Apparently, I didn't miss much.

Backing up, on Saturday, I was able to mow most of the spots that I needed to mow but I was literally on the zen machine for 6 hours...and it still needs more mowing and clearing.

I started getting the trails back but it's work, even on the mower.  I mowed with the deck in the up position so it would skim off the top a bit.  Then I had to lower it back down to the highest level trim level and mow over the same spot again. Then I lowered it again to normal and mowed the same spot one more time to get it looking somewhat neat.  

It was pretty much like doing it all three times!

Once again, I was able to make the neighbor cows VERY happy.  They have about 15 acres to graze with on their own side, but I guess freshly mowed grass is  a special and yummy treat.  Of course, I think they really love that I drive the mower so it all blows over to their side.  Happy cows!

Speaking of happy...

2nd Family's dog "BLUE", came to visit.  He loves to run up onto our porch and sit and look back down the driveway...

...then he always looks at me like "what are we gonna do now?"

It doesn't take him long...

...and he's gone.

So that was the weekend, not what I imagined in my head by any means...but I made a dent and that's all that matters.  I'm actually taking a vacation day this Friday so I can go to the farm, possibly all three days.  Sunday is Father's Day but since we don't have our Fathers, we'll need to fill up our time and working at the farm (WEATHER COOPERATING, ha).  It sounds like something our Dad's would have enjoyed doing.

I'll catch up on comments tonight...


  1. that is a LOT of work! hope your rain holds off an comes this way. i am sick of watering and it isn't even summer yet!

    1. We'll probably go to drought like conditions soon enough, ha. Hope you get some rain!!

  2. That was what my back yard looked like. Thankfully, a bagging mower meant a neat lawn in one pass.

    I was so torn apart by Orlando. There is no way I can imagine hating anyone so much for being gay. The fighting between Christians and Catholics in Ireland (was it Ireland?) several decades ago puzzled me too. Who care what religion you believe or who you love? (rhetorical unless you really care to answer)

    I am dying in this heat with no ac in the car! But, I hanging out clothes and watching for rain so I can run/hobble to take them in.

    1. I thought of a bagger but it's just SO much and SO big, I'd be on and off emptying it so much I'd never get it mowed, ha. Thank you for the kind words.

  3. You are persistent. Working at your little haven probably gave you some respit from the sadness and grieving. Toronto is gearing up for the pride parade. My prayers will be in solidarity with this beautiful city and its participants. Peace, well being and lots of power to that zen.

    1. Thanks for that, yep, it was a bit of a reprieve but coming home into town, I just couldn't stay away from the news and it's all so sad. And now today, the interviews with families...intense. Thanks and here's to a healing Pride weekend!

  4. You have done a heap of work. And grief knocks us all for six. Grief and horror.

    1. Thank you. Much appreciated (both parts of the comment)

  5. wish you were my neighbor! Our cows would love you too! When I used to complain about mowing (on our old farm I mowed 4-8 hours a week) I would start my posts with "Mow is me..." You may use that if you'd like. Now though on The Poor Farm, we only own a push mower and mow enough to keep picnic area clean and neat and for garden mulch. My horse "mows" many other areas and the majority of our seven acres is in pasture. We have become anti-mowers, which one can do...when you have zero neighbors:)

    1. "Mow is me...." I LOVE it! I'm rethinking much of what I mow. It's already too much but I'm not sure I want to add more. Thanks!!! And by the way, the grain bin house is looking AWESOME!

  6. Replies
    1. LOL, lotsa cow babies. Oh.

      And yes he is. And the governor. And the previous governor. And at least one of our Senators.

  7. Man it must be pretty frustrating when the grass grows quicker than you can keep,it down with a ride on ! Fingers crossed you can get it all,under control next weekend and still have time to enjoy a 3 day stay at the farm, it will be like a mini vacation, sleeping and cooking and verandah time now that the house is all set up and organised. Have fun.
    I see that the area has power outages regularly at some times, have you thought about a wood burning heater with a built in cook top and oven ? it would be very useful when you are there more frequently and of course when you are there full time. Liz at 'EIGHT ACRES' has a recent post on this very topic.
    I am sure you would have a good supply of wood at the farm and there are bound to be some recommendations for a U.S. made heater of the same design. ...happy researching 😊

    1. Thank you for the suggestion. Yep, hoping for a mini vacation, we'll see how it works out. Power outages, that's a good point about the woodturning heater. Not sure where in the house we'd put it but we could figure out something. Thanks!!! And yes, we have a TON of wood, almost never-ending supply. I will check it out. Thanks!!!

  8. Oh my goodness, that is a LOT of work! It’s amazing how quickly nature takes it back.
    At least all of your mowing makes the cows very happy.

    Aww, Blue looks like such a sweet dog and a good neighbor. I think the whole world needs to take a clue from Blue and just love everyone.

    1. So much and still not done. Nature reminds us she is always on standby, just waiting for us to let her back in.... ;-)

      Blue is a great dog, he looks intimidating but for the most part, he's a sweetie, just a happy dog (and a bit rambunctious at times, ha).

  9. 1st Man,

    The grass just keeps on growing, never gives us a break. Layer cutting is what we've been doing as well. And tomorrow we start again.

    1. It never does, does it? I didn't know it was called layer cutting, ha. Learned something new! Now I can say "yes, I was layer cutting this weekend...." LOL! Thanks!!!

  10. I am rolling on the floor laughing at the dog! How bad are you when you bore the dog into leaving!?! LOL!


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