
Monday, June 6, 2016


Here is what things looked like yesterday:

The trails are starting to disappear...

Grass is just about knee-high and I don't think I stepped in a single spot in all the yard that wasn't wet...

The garden though is fine, the grass and weeds are staying away (a few stragglers around the edges but easy to pull up)...

There was mud everywhere and of course I tracked it everywhere too...

Poor home of the Zen's disappearing in the grass...I'm really going to have to edge soon...that will be a major project...

Bees are doing fine but they are probably wondering where the jungle came from.  I'll have to put on the bee suit (no more stings!) and edge here too...

The grass here is chest high!  
Well, chest high on this St. Francis statue...

When I pushed the wheelbarrow around, it left ruts in the wet ground...

But I don't know what I'd do without these lifesavers.  
EVERYONE with a yard should have a pair...

And of course, as I was leaving, the clouds were building again.  The forecast still shows no rain this week so we'll see.

Hope you had a great weekend!


  1. Our yard is still sloshing walking around in certain areas but did do some mowing late yesterday afternoon and will finish up mowing later today.
    Why is it that the weeds Always grow faster than anything else but all it all the rain really helped my tomato and pepper plants.
    Wanted to do some tilling but just too wet and muddy for that at the moment.
    Guess I will go back and redesign my pantry as I want to give it a whole new make-over by removing all them metal shelves and making adjusting wood shelving and hopefully if I can; find me a Lazy Susan tower to put in the corner and having shelves and each side of it.

    1. It was, dare I say, beautifully hot today. I want the sun to dry up the water in the worst way. Forecast shows no rain though the weekend so fingers crossed.

      I love indoor projects like that, hope you get it done and find all you need!

  2. we are having a heat wave but could do with some rain, the ground is so dry, rubber boots are standard day wear here with everyone :-)

    1. We'll be there eventually, ha. And yes, the boots are awesome!

  3. you guys sure have had enough rain! i hope it dries up soon. send some my way!

    1. it's now being measured in 'feet' for the last couple of months. Crazy weather.

  4. Wow, it looks like you haven't been there for years. I think you'll need a bigger mower!

    1. I know, right?!??! I was surprised but I guess the grass AND weeds love the water, they are growing like crazy. I hope it is just nice and dry and the mower can handle it. We'll see. Be safe in the storm!! (speaking of rain!). I certainly know you are prepared!

  5. You have your work cut out for you that's for sure. Do be careful of snakes in that tall grass!

    As Mike said about the bigger mower, you may need a tractor and a bushhog! :)

    1. LOL that's quite possible (the tractor bush hog, not the snakes, ha). Thanks!!!

  6. Glad to hear you have not washed away.

  7. Wow.
    We (finally) had some rain too. Two days. And received more in those two days than we had in the two months preceding it. Welcome rain.
    You will be a very busy boy for a while now.

    1. Yay for you, nature does have a way of catching up doesn't it? Yep, Saturday/Sunday will be busy but I know when it's done I will have such a sense of relief.

  8. Looks like a combination of "WaterWorld" and "Jungle Book."
    Be careful in all that tall grass!

    I'm glad your garden and bees are ok!

    1. LOL that's too funny! Yep, garden update tomorrow.

  9. A friend of ours in PA says that her bees get really agitated when she uses the weed wacker near the hive. Something about the vibrations set them humming so definitely water protection!

    1. I got stung a few weeks ago by just 'quickly' running around it. The mower hasn't been bad but the weedeater they do NOT like. I will wear the bee suit for sure. Thanks!!!

  10. I said wear not water! Blasted autocorrect!

    1. Ha, that's ok. It's funny, I read it as wear, too. No worries!


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