
Monday, July 11, 2016


Got to the farm and saw red! 

Tomatoes that is!

And a ton of herbs!  (OK, maybe not a ton but a lot!)

And here is the basket...full of two kinds of toms, and 5 kinds of herbs...and there are a lot more green tomatoes still to ripen.

Some of them I pulled while a bit green on the ends. Any advice on ripening them?  There will lots more next weekend and we'll be pulling as many as we can to keep them going for the next week.  

Just a window ledge for a few days?  


  1. Great harvest and looking good.
    I normally just leave the somewhat tomatoes that are still a bit green right on the counter or on a windowsill or you can wrap in newspaper or put in brown paper bag. Within a day or two they should ripen.

    1. Thankyou and thanks for the info. I might try the paper bag thing.

  2. Stunning!! And very artistically arrange in your harvest basket too :D

    Warning - harvesting your own grown produce is HIGHLY addictive... ;)

    1. Aww, thanks!! Hey we eat with our eyes first, right? HA! And yes, as hot as it is, I'm quickly becoming addicted. Already thinking about Fall garden.

  3. Beautiful harvest! I leave tomatoes on the window sill stem down. Then, I read they should always be stem up. Then, I read they should not be in sunlight. I think I did it right, the way I have seen it done all my life--stem down on the window sill. However, I think they will go bad sooner if left overheated in the sun on the sill.

    1. I will try a variety and see what works. Thanks for this info!! :-)

  4. Newspaper as suggested or find a recipe for green tomato chutney.

    1. Thank you! And hey, I love a good chutney (though have never made one) but I'll check that out too.

  5. Well done! They look amazing, nothing like a fresh tomato straight from the bush.

    1. Hey Kev!!! Thanks for comment, much appreciated. And yes, they are amazing!!

  6. Beautiful pick from your garden! Nothing beats homegrown.
    To ripen your green tomatoes: Place in a single layer with good air circulation, leaving some space around each tomato. Place in a cool, dry area (not a refrigerator).
    The heat on a sunny windowsill can cause them to rot.

    1. You almost never want to go back to anything else. Thanks for the info. We'll see what happens!

  7. That's a basket of goodies to be proud of! I was picking most tomatoes when they just started to go red last year to keep ahead of blight, and leaving them on the counter worked just fine for us.

  8. I will be curious where you find purple basil sprouting. We have it in our gravel driveway. I would love tobite those tomatoes.


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