
Sunday, August 7, 2016




I got up and out early, had to drive to the John Deere place to get a part for the mower.  Got stuck in traffic, a freeway closed down, and there were no exits for about 4 miles and it was ONE LANE.  Took me almost 2 HOURS for a normal 20 minute trip.  Got to the farm waaay later than planned.


It was hot, one of our hottest days so far this year.  And humid.  Just the kind of heat that you step outside and it takes your breath (and energy) away.


Had what a I call a "blowout" in the soaker hose.  Water spewing out of a crack in the hose and the ground was soaked.  Also, the tomatoes are done. We got a final haul of tomatoes but they are definitely over.


Put the new part on the mower, a starter relay that cost $20.  Still wouldn't start.  Sigh.  Messed around with it for about 30 minutes (in the heat of the mower shed I might add) and then I tightened the connections on the battery again and it started.  I'd done that before and it didn't work, but for some reason it did that time.  At least I was able to mow the heat of the day.


As I was mowing, those ginormous banana spiders have webs everywhere, most often between trees.  Well I ran into one and thought I got away easily.  I was mowing for about fifteen MORE minutes, then I felt a leaf brushing the side of my hat and touching my cheek.  As I reached up to brush it away, well, you know how this was a banana spider.  

On my head.
And then my face.  
For fifteen minutes.  



The bees are dead.  It's hard to write about, I feel like such a failure   I will have a post up this week with pictures.  Near as I can tell, it got so hot, the wax melted (too full?) the honey leaked out and drowned/killed most of the bees in the hive.

Just a downer of a day.  
Today is better though, doing something fun here at home where it's cool.  I'll catch up on comments later tonight after my project is done (and I'll have a post about that this week too).


  1. I'm so sorry about your bees. I know that broke your heart. I enjoy summer, but I am getting a little tired of this heat. Fortunately, we've had an ocean breeze about everyday which has helped! I hope your next trip to the farm is a little better!

  2. Very sorry to hear that 1st man. What a horrible day. Don't give up with the bees, you will get there.

    1. A lousy day for sure. I'm so very sorry about your bees. I was hoping you were over the hump and would have a successful season. I greatly enjoy your blog - a little farm of one's own would be wonderful. We don't have the heat here in WI that you do in TX, thank goodness. I have cousins in Dallas and NOLA who are in your same situation. I hope 2nd man had a great meal waiting for you when you got back home, he sounds like a marvelous cook.

    2. Thanks to both of you. We did eat some good food, I'll need to post pics sometime, ha. Thanks again!!

  3. banana spider--"lsrge, aggressive, and very toxic." Carry a broom and wear your bee hat.

    I didn't know bees could die of heat. Do they have a little carport-like structure over them? I suppose you will have to investigate how to keep this from happening again because Texas will be hot next year.

    When I read about the bees, I had to go away to compose myself. Bees drowning in their own honey seems too sad. They seemed like pets even though you could not cuddle them.

    1. A broom is not a bad idea, I have a little one that would be handy to put on the mower. Wow I never thought about that, bees drawing in their own honey. There is a sad irony in that.

  4. i don't know.... maybe bees dying i their own hoey is the way to go. it's like me choking on my food?

  5. What a sad thing to happen. My heart goes out to you and the bees.
    Maybe you may have to consider moving their housing to where they get all the morning sun and the afternoon shade or may have to build a structure over their housing to provide some shade for them when we have these Hot summer days.
    You could even plant some sunflowers close by that will provide shade for their houses as well as the bees.

    1. I'm going to look into something along those lines. Thank you. Morning sun is good for them (wakes them up) and afternoon shade is good too (especially in our heat). Thanks!!

  6. First man, I am just heartbroken for you and second man at the loss of your bees. Nature can be so cruel.

    Might re-situating the hives to a more shaded location help? Perhaps somewhere that gets the morning sun and is shaded from the hotter afternoon sun — maybe closer to your tree line. My other thought would be to erect a sun shade structure that would give protection to the hives. Having said that, I don’t know if a structure over the hives would impede the bees flight patterns. Perhaps not, as they are quite adaptable.

    Please don’t feel like a failure. You succeeded with the hives and they were thriving. You have no control over the weather. Like all endeavors, there is a learning curve and you are mastering the curve well. I sincerely hope you are not so discouraged that you give up.

    gentle hugs


    1. Thank you, yep, learning curve in all we do huh? I think I'll look around for a new spot. In the same area but just closer up under a tree or the edge of a treeline. Thank you for the very sweet words. It means a lot!

  7. I am so sorry for all the rotten things, but especially for the loss of the hive.
    We are still getting okra and green beans (from the home yard that we keep watered) but our tomatoes and most of my herbs are done. I am replanting the herbs but I can buy beautiful tomatoes right now so adios home growns!

    1. Yep, this was our last batch I believe. I'll see what's left this weekend but they'll probably come up then. Thank you!

  8. I am so sorry about your bees. You worked so hard to give them a wonderful home. This awful Texas heat is deadly for all living things.
    What a creepy experience with that spider - ugh!
    Sending hugs!

  9. life is hard sometimes ... (((hugs)))

  10. Ugh, that is a horrible day! So sorry to hear about the bees! I know you've been so happy that one colony was stable, and now for this to happen! I always thought bees provided their own type of air conditioning so the hive wouldn't get too hot, but I guess even they have their limits! And oh man, had that been me with that spider (we call them garden spiders here in South Mississippi), that would have been it for me. I either would have had a heart attack on the spot, or I would have gone inside for the rest of the day and taken an hour-long shower!

    1. They do have their own a/c of sorts but I think they have to have room for that to happen, and they just may have been too crowded. LOL about the spider I think might heart did stop for a few beats, ha. Thanks!!!

  11. I'm so sad about the bees. And I'm sadder that you would consider yourself a failure. You're not. You're one of the most amazing people on this planet to me. You've share with us your journey in life one day at a time and it's been a, mostly, joyful experience. That you share your sorrow is a gift to the rest of your 'family'; we're important enough to show your true self, thank you for that. Please know that I grieve as well. I send lots of hugs (please be sure to ask 2nd Man to give them to you), love (as much as you can stand) and immeasurable respect for you for sharing yourself with the world in a wonderful way.


  12. I saw this: Extreme heat is melting beehives in Arizona:

  13. I'm sorry about all your misfortunes. dont give up. Stay the course. As you can tell we are all rooting for you.😰

    1. It helps sharing and knowing that we're getting cheered on from afar! Thanks!!

  14. Oh wow, that really was a TERRIBLE HORRIBLE NO GOOD VERY BAD DAY!!

    1. Thank you, it's getting better now though! Time helps, ha.


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