
Wednesday, August 24, 2016


A little over a year ago, 2nd Family GAVE US THIS aloe vera cutting.  They said we needed it because it's always good to have some around in an emergency.

Aloe Vera giveaway cutting
I put it in this pot next to the front door and just watered it on occasion (once every couple of weeks I guess, it is a succulent family plant after all).  

Large Aloe Vera in clay pot
Here it is last weekend!  It's gone aloe-crazy 
Obviously, it's very happy in that spot and happy with the way we care for it.  I think we'll just keep doing the same thing...unless it outgrows the pot it's in.  Might be time to split it up and share the love, ha.

Anyone else keep aloe vera around?


  1. Look at all them your babies that are popping up
    I'd say; it sure does love the way you're caring for it plus it likes where it's at.
    I used to have one till I forgot to bring it in one winter and froze and turned to mush. :{

  2. No, I don't have one, but I was thinking I should get one. Maybe I will.

    1. I don't think I'll move it from that spot, it's obviously liking it, ha. Oh, and thanks for reminder about freezing.

    2. Parsimony, you should have some, it's good to have on hand!

  3. Yup. We have one, and it has seriously outgrown its pot. Now our weather is starting to warm up I should get onto that task. And a kazillion more.

    1. I can believe that! They grow very well. Our weather is still hot but winding toward Fall...and it can't come soon enough, ha.

  4. you guys have the green thumbs fer sure!

  5. You have a very happy aloe plant - all that growth in one year - wow! You are evidently doing all the right things for it.
    They are great for not just burns but any kind of skin irritation. I've had several aloes for many years - and they even bloom.

    1. I've never seen one bloom but I'll watch for that someday. I'll remember to rub some on me after my next mowing adventure, ha.

  6. I started with one Aloe plant years ago and repot every year speading the new plants into different, colorful, pots to give away. I can't seem to give them away fast enough and now have about 30 pots. It's been fun and therapeutic. So enjoy yours!

    1. I need to do that! I could give some to coworkers too. Thanks!!!


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