
Tuesday, August 16, 2016


I went downstairs at the apartment to check out the trash area again (wait, that sounds creepy, let's just call it the "recycling area", ha!).  

That's when I saw this potential treasure leaning up against the trash recycling dumpster container:

It's a dry erase calendar board.  

I immediately thought "SCORE!"  Then another guy walked by with his dog on the way in and said "I saw that earlier but someone used permanent marker instead of dry erase, that must be why they threw it away".  Having worked in offices for years, I knew that was something that happens occasionally and I knew exactly how to fix it. 

I waited for him to walk on in and then snatched it up and headed upstairs...

Removing permanent marker from dry erase board
2nd Man probably thought...."seriously?" but he never said anything.  Anyway, I knew that alcohol works best, but we didn't have any plain rubbing alcohol so I used what I've used at the office before...Purell Hand Sanitizer.  As you can see, you just spread some on a paper towel and go over the marker and it rubs right off, just like magic!  After a few seconds of rubbing, voila!

A blank reusable monthy calendar!

The calendar portion is also metal so magnets will stick to it (it had several homemade 'months' stuck on there but I threw them away, they were well worn).  Of course the bottom is cork board for push pins.  I'm going to put it up in the barn at the farm so that I can write out what I need to do each week.  It will help me focus on what needs to be done (garden/bees/fertilize/etc) and even what I've already done.  This way, hopefully, I won't overlook anything, or maybe not as much anyway.



  1. Replies
    1. Isn't it? Definitely excited about this find!

  2. Well done! And thanks for the tip on how to clean it! I didn't know the alcohol trick.

    1. Oh yeah, no problem, we had once at an office once and that happened ALL the time, ha. We figured it out through trial and error, ha.

  3. SCORE! The items that people throw away. One man's trash is another's treasure.
    Save your wine corks. Either leave whole or cut in half; glue magnet onto one end and you now have magnetic corks. Can paint or leave the corks natural looking. Can do same thing in making bulletin board tacks; using wine cork, using E6000 glue just glue some (flat head)thumb tacks on end of cork.
    Instructions for thumb tack corks:

    1. I know! It's perfectly nice, nothing wrong with it except that use of permanent marker but you'd think they could google it or something, ha. And remember, we had a post a while back about our corks we were saving! Yay Awesome, thanks for the link!!

  4. Perfect score! Something utilitarian for the barn, organization help, and most important__free!
    I had no idea about how to get the permanent marker off the dry erase board. Thank you for teaching this old dog a new trick!

    1. Well no problem, I really thought everyone knew that trick, ha. Glad to hear! And yep, I kind of take it as a sign that I need to be organized, for the garden, future bees, etc.

  5. That's a treasure I would be proud of, dumpster driver! (Teasing) Oh, the treasures people discard.

    1. It's amazing it makes me wonder what's down there at any given moment that I might miss, ha. I figure if something is there when I go down to the check the mail, then it's meant to be.

  6. Another great find for the Master Recycler! And genius in using hand sanitizer to clean it - you removed the permanent marker and sanitized it also.
    Wonderful idea about using it to organize your Farm to-do list.

    1. LOL I never thought about sanitizing it, that was a great two purpose thing, ha. Yep,ind this will let me look at what I have to do and not let me forget something. theoretically!

  7. A belated happy anniversary. Do you also celebrate when you could make it official?

    Look forward to what you can next with your new canning gifts.

    1. THANK YOU very much! "Official" is something that will happen.... :-)

      Canning coming soon!

  8. I was screaming in my head to use alcohol! Having had boards that kids used the wrong marker on all the time, I have had to clean these for years. Score a big one for you!

    1. Yep, we usually have some alcohol floating around in the bathroom cabinet but I guess we're out. But the hand sanitizer worked great, definitely scored with this one

  9. It is a most excellent score. You can also clean them by scribbling over the permanent marker with a temporary marker and wiping clean.

    1. Oh yeah, I forgot about that method too. Thanks!!!

  10. Nail polish remover works well, too. Just cleaned my "star" board for a new of year of first graders.

    1. Wow, I didn't know that's great advice, thank you!!!

    2. You can also just mark over the existing words with a dry erase marker and it also wipes right off. Do need for anything else.

  11. I love this. Checked out your blog, you have done some really great stuff! Can't wait to see more.

    whiteboard self adhesive roll


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