
Sunday, August 14, 2016


I mentioned yesterday that it was a special weekend.  
Today is our anniversary! 

I just had to share the awesome card I found for 2nd Man.  Don't worry, he's already gotten it by the time this posts.


The inside, prior to writing in it of course, ha.  

We went out yesterday, before the monsoon rains hit, to eat one of our most favorite meals EVER....

A restaurant called Barbecue Inn (wonderful BBQ) that has been in Houston for 70 years!  It's a Houston institution for sure.

But even though the bbq is wonderful, they are also known for their fried's been listed nationally, several times, as some of the best fried chicken in the entire country..

I always get all dark meat with french fries...two thighs and a leg...

Barbecue Inn fried chicken
2nd Man gets all white meat with baked potato...two breasts and a wing...

It's SO good.  Their method/recipe is a secret of course but it is crunchy, crispy, moist goodness...the ultimate comfort food.

For dessert (we brought leftover chicken home), we went to Menchies Frozen go in, mix the yogurt flavors you want, and then go over to the counter of mix-ins....

Menchies Mix-Ins
You can put as much of any combination of this in your pay by weight at the end of the line.  I forgot to get a picture of our end results but mine involved a combination of chocolate frozen yogurt and Reese's peanut butter frozen yogurt with hot caramel, white chocolate chips, graham cracker crumbs, cookie dough, peanuts, and sprinkles.  

It was a great day.  We came home just before the rain hit and it's been raining now all night and sporadically this morning.  They are saying another 4-7 inches of rain is possible.

So thanks for sharing in our anniversary...17 years ago today I met 2nd Man for the first time and we've been together ever since.  Through many ups (the farm, moving, getting our kitties, fun adventures and vacations and of course more amazing meals than anyone should have) as well as the terrible downs (he's been with me for the loss of both of my parents and my grandparents), he has always been there.  I swear the 17 years have FLOWN by.

He's my rock and I love him.



  1. Congratulations to both of you. I am just drooling over the fried chicken. They double dip for their crust, I would think.

  2. Aww Happy Anniversary y'all! That chicken looks amazing and I love Menchie's too :) Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  3. Happy Anniversary to both of you!!! Hope you have a great weekend, Janie

  4. Happy anniversary guys!! 17 years, wow. Here's to lots, and lots, more. What a wonderful card, by the way.

  5. Aww, that is such a sweet card! Wishing y’all a Very Happy Anniversary! 17 years - congratulations!!

    The fried chicken photo - my mouth is watering, especially when I had just a salad for lunch. Your over-the-top-decadent frozen yogurt - OMG! And all I had was some Greek yogurt with some canned peaches! : D

    I am so thankful for the 2.5 inches of rain from last night - and everything in my yard is thankful also. It has all already perked up. Glad y’all got some good rain also.

    Enjoy the rest of your Anniversary weekend!

  6. we are wishing you the very, most sincere anniversary wishes as we know what it's like to have a partner, lover and best friend for almost 16 yrs. you guys have us beat by about a we look forward to our 17th! we are super glad that you had such a delicious meal out...who would have thought you would have picked fried chicken and a fro-yo - bahahahah! we are wishing you 17 more years X 100! thank you for sharing your anniversary with all of us in the blogosphere...but more than that, thank you for sharing your dreams, hopes and goals with us for the past several years!

    we are sending so much love to you both! your friends,
    kymber and jambaloney

  7. congratulations and many many more years to follow! you can feel the love you have for 2nd man in this post.

    I'd try the brisket. the chicken DOES look awfully tempting though...

    we have a menchies up the road; my fave is vanilla snow fro-yo with strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, marshmallow topping.

  8. Happy Anniversary! Barbecue Inn looks like my kind of place. Love the card, too.

  9. Happy Anniversary - and many more years to come.

  10. as my husband says to me, 'happy adversity'!
    many happy years to you both.

  11. Best wishes for many more years together!! We are at 2 years legally but been hangin out for 10+ years... I seem to have forgotten the real number!!!

  12. Happy Anniversary. Wishing you many more down the road.
    that chicken Delicious

  13. Everyone should be blessed to know a love as special as yours. Happy 17th anniversary and may each successive anniversary, and may there be many, many more, be happier than the last.


  14. It's hard to believe it's been 17 years! I remember when I met him for the first time at The E------ C---. I'm still in awe of your amazing relationship. May it prosper and grow in beauty and happiness. <3

  15. It's hard to believe it's been 17 years! I remember when I met him for the first time at The E------ C---. I'm still in awe of your amazing relationship. May it prosper and grow in beauty and happiness. <3

  16. Happy Anniversary! Wishing you many, many more together.

  17. Happy Anniversary to you both!

  18. Happy Anniversary to both of you. It is a blessing to be able to spend your life with someone special. Hope you have many more wonderful years.Catherine in south MS.

  19. Happy belated anniversary! What a wonderful day, perfect card & yummy dessert. Love fried chicken too! congrats again!


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