
Tuesday, August 30, 2016


Over the last few months, I've discovered some fun "treasures" downstairs in our loading dock area where residents put their trash.  Bag trash goes down the trash chutes into a separate area.  For large items, cardboard boxes, etc, we have large dumpsters to use.

So when I can remember, I try to go check them out.  Saturday, I went down to check the mail and struck gold again!

Someone in the building had something shipped from overseas.  It came in this crate.  It's awesome.  Solid wood, very well constructed...

...and large.  It has a heavy lid and it's big, about 3' wide, 2' deep and about 2 1/2' tall.  

Wooden shipping crate
It also has nice, heavy duty folding handles on each side.  I don't know what yet, but I have big plans for this. I was thinking that once I got it stripped of labels and cleaned up, it might make a great storage container?  It's too big (unfortunately) to become a piece of furniture inside the house at the farm.  There's just no space for it.  It could be painted?  Stenciled?  Put wheels on it?  I don't think it would hold up outside, exposed to the elements, so the barn/shed are the only options I can think of.  

So that's my gold find.  Well, at least "I" think it's gold.  I'm sure 2nd Man just looked at me dragging this thing back in and thought "seriously"?  But he just smiled and let me be excited.  

As it should be, LOL!


  1. It seems like the possibilities are endless. Could it go on the porch? On the porch with wheels? The right finish would make it more durable outdoors under the porch roof. Maybe you could mount it on a wall as a cabinet if you turn it on end, handle down and another up. You may need something in the barn like a cabinet.

    Indoors it could be a table that holds things--blankets?

    1. Because of the different woods, I would not stain it a light color. Maybe a darker color of stain if you really want stain. However, because of the uneven wood, I would paint it. You could even distress it.

    2. Great suggestions. The porch is a good idea. You're right, keeping it under the cover of the porch, with some good stain/paint might be a great option. And I like the idea of distressing it.

  2. Awesome find. Don't blame you one bit for snatching that baby up.
    Me, first thing I thought of doing if it where mine was make into Ottoman - storage unit for extra throw blankets, etc./
    Could stain and give it a few coats of sealer on it and would be great to sit between rockers on your front porch. Instead of putting casters on bottom, mount wooden legs instead to make look like small piece of furniture in living room. Use as end table
    Or like you mentioned; put in one of your barns and use for storing, small garden tools, or whatever.
    Possibilities on endless.
    Now that would probably be great for me for storing some of my thousand record albums in or photo albums

    1. An ottoman came to mind too, but we really truly have NO room inside the house at all. But outside on the porch, great idea. And wooden legs I never thought about, great! Thanks!!

  3. Replies
    1. So far, ha. I should go every day, but I'm afraid I might find something every day, and 2nd Man might get a bit stressed, ha.

  4. You realize you live with your very own personal free thrift store don't you? I would be a threat if I had a trash room to "shop". Great find!

    1. This is true! It's hit and miss, and of course who knows the real treasures I've actually missed. but hey, I'll keep looking!

  5. Replies
    1. Isn't it? I stood there looking at it and thought "I can TOTALLY do something with this".

  6. Stain and hinges for a storage table piece of furniture. Porch storage? Add a hasp for a grain bin in the barn? Great stuff!!

    1. definitely hinges, and I see another vote for porch storage. Never thought about a hasp but yep, great idea too!

  7. Stained a light color and some coats of polyurethane I think it would make a great box for storing small pieces of firewood, if you have an chiminea on or near a porch.

  8. I'm excited for you. So many possibilities Do you Pinterest?

    1. You now, I do visit, and we have an account but I haven't done as much as I should I will have to check that out! Thanks!!

  9. Replies
    1. And at the farm we can ALWAYS use storage, ha. Thanks!!

  10. Well, that's an awesome find...I would have snapped that up in a second! And undoubtedly got the eye roll from the husband as well :)

    1. Yep, "eye roll" is a great way to describe it, ha. Followed by an "okaaaaay....." ha.

  11. A BOX! No, really, a box! I love boxes. I really like the table idea from Colleen. It would be very useful as a storage contain for outdoor cushions. Totally GREEN with envy!

    1. I nice box! Table is a great idea isn't it? For now I will have to keep it safe in the barn.

      "Green" with envy...I see what you did there. :-)

  12. I was thinking an upholstered storage ottoman and it could be used for extra seating too. The possibilities are endless, can't wait to see what you do with it!

    1. Extra seating! Never thought about that, thanks!! I might just have to take my time to figure it out. Thank you!!

  13. Wow, another great find! I can see it as a table between your rockers on the porch - on casters or wooden feet. Or as a storage cabinet in your barn. For both uses, turned on its side so storage access is easy.

    1. Thanks!!! I never thought about on it's side, great idea as well. thanks!

  14. You just leave me in stitches with your elevated "dumpster diving" - the only things I ever see in my neck of the woods are abandoned sofa's and tires!!!


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