
Thursday, October 20, 2016


Every Thursday, we like to post a picture of something we've found online that inspires us to do something similar at the farm.  
Sort of our own blog bulletin board so that we can eventually look back and, hopefully anyway, recreate it...enjoy!

Birdbath and flowers, image courtesy of
We've always loved the look of a birdbath in the middle of a flowerbed.  In fact, I found a birdbath on our property that was covered up in brush, left by the previous owner. I'm just now cleaning it up and will have to find a home for it.  Would love to have it in the middle of some flowers and grasses like this.  Actually, working on a flower bed by the front porch and it might be pretty there, surrounded by whatever I plant.  Coming soon!

Does anyone know what the pink flowers are?  I think the small yellow ones in the front are lantana (which we have a couple of containers of).

Be inspired!


  1. I love my birdbath. So do the chickens, birds, squirrels, cats and dead leaves. My best clue as to the Since that came from Lowes, they will be able to tell you.

    1. LOL, I like how you think! You know that's true, it's from their website they may have something. Thanks!

  2. The pink flowers look like petunias but I am not wearing my glasses right now, so the jury is still out.
    I have a birdbath but it is dry right now due to the drought we are in. I like having it but you have to change the water regularly or it becomes a mosquito breeding place (or at least mine does)

    1. Oh yeah, they do look like petunias. Thanks!! I forgot about the mosquito aspect, thanks, I'll keep that in mind.

  3. Replies
    1. Well hello!!!! Thanks for stopping by!!! Isn't it pretty? It's not ours, but we love it.

  4. If I were a bird I'd want to fly right into a bath surrounded by flowers, where I'd splash around and cool off on a warm day.


    1. That's a great way of putting it. It would be nice huh?

  5. When you fill your birdbath throw in a couple of marbles. The reflection attracts the birds.

    1. I love that idea, plus they probably look really pretty too.

  6. The pink flowers are either Petunias or more likely, Callibrachoa.

  7. They look like what my grandfather called wild petunias.
    They reseeded freely for him. I also have a birdbath that is dry, mainly due to my son's cats. Catherine in south MS

    1. Hello!!! Wild petunias huh? I love the idea of reseeding flowers. That makes them more or less perennial, ha. Thanks!!!

  8. The pink flowers are petunias - really lovely flowers and this is the season to plant them.

    This is a beautiful picture - IF there are NOT ANY cats around. The foliage gives the cats a place to hide and sneak up on the birds. I know from tearful experience.
    My cats are strictly indoor cats but I have stray cats in the neighborhood. Now my bird baths are out in the open, away from ground foliage, or under a very slender tree.

    1. Thanks for the petunia confirmation. Never thought about cats, we don't have any at all out there, too remote and 2nd Family's dogs patrol around. But I will keep that in mind. Thanks!!

  9. A birdbath is a lot of fun. Please allow yourself some stepping stones and leave some gaps in your planting so you can get to the bath easily without bee stings. Having it close to a garden hose helps too. My late beloved Zebby Cat used to leap up and drink from my birdie bath. Darling little rotund Megs hasn't tried ........ yet!

  10. Beautiful area. Love the idea of different grasses mixed in with the beautiful flowers. Gives for great and different texture.
    The pink flowers are petunias but I do think they are what they call wave petunias which will spread out more than your regular petunias and the wave petunias are also great for hanging baskets.
    The small yellow flowers look like all yellow marigolds which go really well with them petunias. Yellow and purple are also a great color combination together.

  11. Forgot to mention that different colored wave petunias make for a Beautiful 'tower' planting....

    1. Tower planting:

      step by step instructions:


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