
Sunday, October 16, 2016


No these aren't bubbles...and they aren't was hard to get a picture, I had to take about twenty photos to get this one but I wanted to capture just how many there were.    

(Click to enlarge)

This was yesterday at the farm and it was a dragonfly haven.  They were EVERYWHERE.  It didn't matter where we walked, there were dragonflies. I even had one land on my shirt for a few moments.  

A few last yellow wildflowers of Summer sprouting up along the fenceline...

Okra for sale
Stopped at the grocery store on the way back and saw this.  They were selling fresh okra in 1 lb packages...for $4!  Four dollars a pound?!  You'd think it was asparagus or something!  I think we should grow more next season and sell it at a farmers market the rate in produces, we'd have a fortune every week, ha.  

Did a few outside projects but really it was just too hot.  High of 91, almost a record for this date.  But there is a cold front weekend we could be in lows of 50's.  I can't wait for a full weekend of perfect weather.

Hope you are having a good weekend!


  1. We have been laughing at the okra prices too!. There is a small produce stand on the way to the lake and the couple who run it have some acreage with a large garden. They are still cutting okra daily and still have it priced at summertime prices. Oh and did I mention they are still picking tomatoes daily so I still have about a dozen vine ripe tomatoes! Yum!

    1. It's funny, I had no idea they were so expensive. Oh, vine ripe tomatoes in the Fall, wonderful!!! Hoping we get at least a few.

  2. Dragon flies are amazing, I'm sure I've read they've got the fast acceleration of any animal somewhere.
    shameless plug, but if you get chance come and have a look at my vlog I've been doing once a month, I'd love to know what you guys think!

    1. That's interesting about dragonflies, I would believe it, they are there and gone in a flash. Shameless plugs are always allowed, ha, I will go check it out!!! Thanks!!

  3. i should go into the okra business too! it's going to be 85 here tomorrow...unreal!

    1. It's crazy huh? And yes the weather is so weird. I don't know if this means we'll have a warmer Winter (which would be ok with me). But we at

    2. ooops, hit enter too soon. Was going to say but we at least want COOLER weather, maybe a few days of cold at some point. :-)

  4. Dragon flies? Be still my beating heart. I always love to see them, and usually can only manage one or two. Fast little suckers aren't they? And camera shy with it.

    1. Ha, i hear ya, they are awesome aren't they? Definitely camera shy. Or perhaps just faster than the camera, ha. I've always thought of them like seahorses...just so different and magical!

  5. we are supposed to see 80s this week; off with the heat, on with the air conditioner!

    1. Heat on, heat off, air on air off. I hate this time of year. Just make up its mind, ha.

  6. Our weather is getting cooler and I have started to do garden clean up. That will be occurring over the next few weekends along with garlic and tulip bulbs being planted.

    1. Oh, dang, bulbs, I forgot about bulbs for next Spring. thanks for the reminder, I'll see if I can squeak that in somewhere. And yep, time for cleaning the garden and yard up.

  7. The dragonflies are so fast, I often see a few around my son's swimming pool, they seem to love the water but I think they have to be careful to keep away from the resident water dragon lizards.
    A good way of attracting them regularly would be to have some form of water available , a rain barrel, bird bath,etc. Until you get a pond established.
    I made some bird baths from very large pot saucers which were either glazed or sealed and put them on tall upturned damaged (cheap seconds) plant pots or upright logs. If you establish some birdbaths they need to be under or very near some branches or shrubbery, as the birds like to check out tge area before they drink or play in the water. I could watch them for hours, so entertaining.

    1. I do notice that when I'm watering they tend to hang around. Thanks for that tip, I might just have to create some water areas. It's good for all of nature's creatures! And we will have a pond, sometime. I like the large saucers idea, we have some of those! Thanks!!!

  8. As stated before you can have my okra. But I laugh at the prices of concord grapes when we have a bumper crop.

    1. Ha, don't read tomorrow's post then! ;-) See, I'd be the one down here paying for concord grapes and you have them growing a bumper crop! #jealous LOL!

  9. I love dragonflies! Wow, you had clouds of them.
    Haha - $4.00 a pound for okra! You could get rich selling them next year!

    1. Definitely, I've really never seen that many out there. It was fun. And yep, okra, who knew??

  10. We had no luck with okra this year. The deer loved it. It is also very high here.

    1. I thought it would grow everywhere. Try again and hey, maybe the okra kept the deer occupied and away from other plants, ha.

  11. I have noticed that we have been well blessed with dragonflies here as well but the monarch butterfies, not so much. :{
    Price of okra.... Outrages and it's not even gold plated

    1. Haven't seen any monarch's either. I really didn't know okra could go for that high.

  12. Hi, two men!
    I've read about your journey and dragonflies, interesting story and photos. I've never eaten okra but think if you sell it in a market it'll be a lucky.

    1. Hi!!! Welcome from this side of the world! I will add your blog to the blogroll and I'll be visiting to catch up. Thank you!!!! And welcome again!!

  13. We too, tons of dragonflies this year. I so love them. Little dive-bombers.Love the pic of the old fence and wildflowers. Would look great enlarged and on canvas in your farm house.

    1. Oh wow, I never thought about that picture becoming a canvas. I've seen those places that do that but never checked them out. You might have just inspired me to do that. And I've got thousands to look through too, thanks!!! And yes this has been a boom year for them, strange how that works but I love them no matter how many we get.

  14. We were in San Antonio about 2 weeks ago. The dragon flies were EVERYWHERE!!! My windshield looked like I hit a colony of bats! LOL!

    1. Now that's too funny (well not to the dragonflies, ha) but yeah, it's been an unusual year for so many. But still nice to witness.


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