
Monday, October 10, 2016


It was a great weekend!  The weather was almost perfect.  I say "almost" because I would have liked about 5 degrees cooler but still, it was nice.  
I got a lot done.

Woke up Saturday morning to this...

...homemade biscuits...


Sausage gravy and biscuits
...with sausage gravy!  2nd Man said I needed to start the day with a hearty meal.  It was wonderful. 

 I got to the farm and roamed around exploring.  I like to do that, just to see how things are and to enjoy our property.

The grass is still short...not sure if I'll have to mow again this season.  Rain would change that but there is none in the forecast for the next week so we'll see what happens...

I came home Saturday night to grilled pork chops, mixed veggies, and saffron wild rice.  Of course it was delicious...

Wasp nest
Today, I went back out but just to finish up a few things and one of the first things I had to do was exterminated the wasp nests around the house and property.  This one was right behind the motion light on the side of the house... 

...and this was in a tree that I almost bumped into the last time I mowed.  That would not have had a pleasant ending.  The wasps didn't have a pleasant ending either.  I hate killing anything but wasps are just too dangerous to keep around. I'm sure there are plenty in remote parts of the property way up high in a tree, and they can stay...for now, ha.  

It was a wonderful weekend to open the windows and let the house air out.  Curtains blowing in the breeze are relaxing...and nap inducing.  

Cinnamon rolls
Waking up from a nap and coming back into town to homemade cinnamon buns, well, that was like a dream!  Recipe coming soon.

I got several projects done and did some planning and measuring for the fruit trees, garden stuff, edging, weed pulling, pulled some books to sell, etc.  More on those events in upcoming posts.

Hope you had a great weekend!


  1. Yumm-E. Everything looks Delicious
    After you have sprayed that wasps next by your motion light; remove the nest, do some caulking around the light but you want to undue the light first making sure no wasps are behind, re-secure your light and then caulk really well all the way around.
    We changed our outside light in the back of the house and when hubby removed the light you could see old wasps next so cleaned it out really well before installing our new light and then of course he caulked really well all the way around. not only to keep the moisture out, but anything else that can squeeze in behind.

    1. What great advice, thank you for that. I did take the nest down (with a stick) after they were dead and gone but I haven't checked the light, will have to do that. Thanks!!

  2. That was a wonderful weekend. Especially the buns and biscuits and gravy. I don't think we'll have to mow again either. Wasps, flies and termites are okay to kill. Everything else, I try to let live its life.

    1. Wasps, flies and termites, yep!! Oh and black widow spiders, venomous snakes and mosquitoes, LOL! Thanks the food was yummy!

  3. If I take a nap today with the window open and the breeze blowing in I wonder what my chances of waking to hot homemade cinnamon rolls would be. Oh yeah, zilch! You are so lucky!

    1. LOL! Hey, it doesn't happen ALL the time, ha. Thanks!!!

  4. I would like to wake up to homemade biscuits. The only way that can happen is if I get up to make the biscuits and go back to bed. Then when I awoke again I could feign surprise at the homemade biscuits.


    1. This made me laugh too! I'd mail you some if I could. :-)

    2. If you overnight them as soon as they cool they'd still be pretty fresh when they get here!

  5. All these lovely pictures of lovely things! A song line pops into mind - “these are a few of my favorite things.”
    Ohh, those biscuits - my mouth is watering! 2nd Man sure knows how to cook and bake the most scrumptious things!
    What fun - being able to wander around your property and just explore - it’s wonderful to take some time to enjoy this beautiful place on which you’re working so hard.
    And another delicious supper!
    Yikes, yellow jackets! Their stings are sooo painful.
    Your lovely guest room with the curtains blowing - so beautiful and relaxing for a nice nap.
    And then your post ends with cinnamon rolls - perfection!!

    1. Now I have that song stuck in my head! "raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens...." ha. He loves to bake, making time to do it is the hard part, ha. And we do love to explore, when the weather is cool of course. Thanks for the sweet words!

  6. Glad your weekend was so productive and good.

  7. Great pictures as always, I'm like you wasps have to go. You guys have done so many wonderful things with your place, it really looks like a welcoming home. Plus now I know what to have for supper. Have a wonder week.

    1. Aren't you kind!!!! Thanks!!! Yep, wasps have got to be eradicated. They are too mean and hurt too much. Hope you enjoyed your supper!

  8. now I want biscuits (minus the sausage), and pork chops, and cinnamon rolls. 2nd man sure is a good cook; do you hire him out?

    1. Have pan will travel? LOL! We eat well but not like this ALL the time. We take shortcuts during the week, sometimes just not enough time.

  9. Ok I would like the biscuit and cinnamon roll recipe. Just saying.

    1. Biscuit recipe is here:

      I'll update the post with the link, I forgot, thanks, ha. As for the cinnamon rolls, I'll get that and put it up (or edit this post again).

  10. What are the flowers on each side of the path cut into the woods? That picture of the curtains blowing looks like something from a magazine or from a dream. I took a nap on my grandmother's bed with the curtains blowing and a fan on me when I was about seven- through ten-years-old.

    You just have to show 2nd man the recipe I published a day or two ago. I thought I wrote that here, but cannot find that comment!


    1. Those are wild or actually a weed. They are starting to bloom this time of year. I THINK they are called "frostweed" but I'll have to look that up again. I'll get some closeup pictures soon.

      You are very sweet to say that about the picture. It's funny, when I take a nap, I like to lay on the guest room bed for some reason. Maybe because it's different, ha.

      I went back and saw the recipe you mentioned. Looks relish, I will head to the link and print it out. Thanks!!!

    2. Should have said "looks DELISH"....ha, auto correct!


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