
Monday, November 14, 2016


We didn't do much this weekend except rest, so I'll share a recent project.  Last weekend I was able to get started on organizing the mower shed a bit.  It wasn't too bad and last weekend was overcast and cooler so that's always good.

Mower shed before
After a season of throwing stuff in there, finding a place to put something down, it's easy for things to get out of control.  Especially when it's bring something in and go "um, yeah, it's hot in here, this looks like a good spot" and you're done with it.  Then the floor had grass cuttings and dirt on it from driving the mower in and out all season. 

The first thing I did was back the mower out and start pulling things out.  I ended up with a big contractor bag full of trash.  

I moved stuff around, made more space, consolidated things and generally got everything arranged.  I still need to get some containers and storage hooks to hang item, etc, but we're happy to have it cleaner.

Mower shed after
The last thing I did was pulled the Zen Machine back in to its now cleaner home.  It's still too warm to tackle any sort of major organization project (the shed and barn get really hot to work in, even with the doors and window open) but this Winter, on a cool day when I don't need to mow, I'll tackle that.  Until then, happy shed, happy 1st Man. 

Not sure what it is about cooler weather but it always makes me want to clean and straighten things up.  
Fall cleaning anyone?


  1. I do understand just putting things wherever in the heat. When the weather was not so oppressive, I finally picked up things in chicken yard and around the house, things I should have picked up during the heat of the summer. A structure like yours can be hotter than hell. Are you going to insulate it and put up paneling or sheetrock? Both will mitigate heat and freezing of anything. And, of course, you know that. It looks good. Most of the problem with just putting things inside is that eventually it is a horror. Since I have not been able to get into the basement easily and have asked others to place things down there, I went down and was shocked. It seems everyone just puts things in front of the door. Now, it is an almost impenetrable wall right against the door!

    1. We have thought about insulating and sheetrocking at some point. Oh, if we had a basement, i might be in trouble, too much extra storage ha. Thanks!

    2. The basement is a horror because of too much storage. I must have 50 or more chairs down there, stacked and gathering dust for a project that never got off the ground due to a turn in my abilities and untrustworthy help.

  2. Oh it looks so good. I wish I had someone to do that. Fall, spring, always a good time to clean so it doesn't get too overwhelming, like at our farm. Barns, sheds, garages, attics - it is too much. I've been selling antiques in a mall for a year and it is hard to tell I've even made a dent. You need to come shopping at the farm.

    1. Oh how I'd love to do that ha. It does seem that it's human nature to just fill up what we have, isn't it??? I have a storage unit I spend $$ on each month that has stuff from my parents. I really need to figure out a way to get rid of it (while still being able to get personal items and such out that I want).

  3. LOVE fall cleaning - for us, it's the basement & garage that usually goes to pot during the summer as we tend to do a lot of "I'll dump it here for now and deal with it later". But I had to laugh at your before photo - when it comes to our shed & garage, that looks more like an "after" photo :)

    1. LOL! That before is a bit "after" I started, ha. I had walked to the shed without the camera and didn't feel like walking back right away. Then on my first break, I brought it.

      But yep, heat of summer halts a lot of projects, ha.

  4. I feel your pain! I own the worlds biggest laundry room which has become a catch-all for everything. After 2 days straight it is finally clean and tidy and neat and did I mention clean!

    1. Oh yeah, laundry rooms are great catch-alls aren't they? Sadly, we sometimes live out of the dryer, going there in the morning for socks and such, oops. We'll get there eventually.

    2. Living out of the dryer is commendable since I know guys who get the least dirty thing out of the laundry or off the gross. I have a trash bag that I can stand in full of clean, dry laundry that I was just unable to fold for the last three months. Since I have felt a bit better this last week, there is only a basketball size lump of things in there now. Sporadically, I grab a handful of items, fold and put away.

  5. Looks great! I know, it's just impossible to work in a shed in the heat.

    1. Yep, they are oppressive for sure in the Summer. Cool weather coming this weekend!! Woo hoo!

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you sweet lady!! It's not horrible to begin with because it's only a year old, so it's a full season in, better to nip it in the bud now, ha. .

  7. Looks Good and great job on organization.
    once things are well organized you will find that it makes for finding what you wan much easier.
    A place for everything and everything in it's place :}
    When my husband works out in his shop he has one of those Big Orange Drum Fan which really does help A lot to circulate the air.
    Something along the line of this one but his is larger than the 16 inch as shown;

    If the time comes to where you need to work in your shop, you might consider getting a large fan.

    1. I went out to the shop and checked on size of fan. He has the 30 inch drum fan.

    2. Awesome, thanks, I'll check that out. One goal this Spring is to get electricity run to the barn and shed. I was wondering about a fan like that and you gave me some great info. I'll look that up. THANK YOU!

  8. You're very organized, 1st man. Your shed looks very clean and all things are in order. So did I in October, when autumn came, cleared my gardeners tools. Now snow arrived and covered all in white carpet, is in order!

    1. Aww, thanks for that I need to clean my tools too, hoping to work on that this weekend. You have snow now? YAY for you! Enjoy (and stay warm!!!!).


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