
Tuesday, November 8, 2016


It's finally here....Election Day 2016.

I don't discuss politics on here because this isn't the place for it (there are plenty of websites for that). We just believe that everyone should exercise their right to vote because it's so important. 

2nd Man and I early voted last week, stood in line for about 30 minutes, met lots of great people including many young people voting for the first time.

But the best was a woman who was 86 years old and she was there with her 62 year old daughter and 30 year old granddaughter!  They said they had to be part of history in the most important way they could.

How cool is that???

So go out and vote if you haven't already!
As my Grandfather always said, you can't complain about the outcome if you don't vote...


  1. No matter who wins; we must all be grateful and very blessed to be living in the Great USA
    What a great way to make family history by mother, daughter and granddaughter voting at the same day at the same time. Sure hope they took pictures for their family album

    1. I also wanted to say Thank You to All the men and women who have fought for our country to give us this freedom and the opportunity to be able to vote.

  2. Thank you for thoughts on the election. We are a truly blessed nation with the ability to vote for our officials. It is so very important.

  3. Voted early, too.

    Thank you for voting. WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

  4. I voted at the end of October since I'm away from home helping out my daughter after her surgery. No heavy lifting and no driving for awhile.

  5. I voted on the first day that Florida had early voting. More people have voted early in Florida than the total number of people who voted in the state in 2000. I was proud and excited to vote.


  6. Voting is compulsory here. Which has some merits.

  7. i am so excited to vote for the first female president!!!!

    1. Girl close to my heart. Though I live in Canada, the outcome will also affect us.

  8. I was second in line to vote! Did you know that only one female suffragist who fought for the right of women to vote lived to vote? She was a glove maker. It is hard to believe that women were ever denied the right to vote. Less than 100 years later, one will be president!

  9. I took Mom to vote today which is easy since we vote at the same polling place. I found a benefit of taking one's 86 year old mother to the polls. They met us outside the building and physically escorted Mom to the head of her line and did the same for me since (different last name, different line )I was with her (I think she is so wobbly they wanted someone other than them to be responsible for keeping her from falling)


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