
Monday, November 28, 2016


Several of you have asked for more pictures of the house and so instead of more outside pictures, we thought we'd show some inside.  Most of the decluttering was done earlier this year after we sold the house in town and moved to the apartment.  When we complete a room, or at least feel that one is more or less completed, we'll take pictures and give everyone a virtual tour. 

A few months back (for those that may have missed it) we gave a virtual tour of the guest bedroom, you can see that by CLICKING HERE.

And now, here are some more pictures of,


Farm living room
This is standing in the kitchen doorway looking into the living room.  It's small but comfortable.  Of course, the whole house is small but comfortable, but I digress ha.  Full size couch, small stand with drawers on the end to store stuff in. The coffee table we were able to repurpose from the house in town, it fit perfectly.  That long white curtain you see is the doorway to the foyer and desk area.  More on that when it's ready for its closeup.

Now I'm standing in the corner foyer entry by the white curtain I just mentioned in the previous picture. This is looking back toward the kitchen (where I was standing to take the first photo, ha).  You can see the loveseat that matches the larger couch.  It's pretty much all the sitting furniture that we have room for but it's comfortable for us and that's all that matters.

This is what we call our "farm library" ha.  

This was taken while standing by the corner where the couch and loveseat meet.  The two bookcases on the left?  Those are all COOKING related books.  The one bookcase on the right?  Those are all GARDENING/FARM books.  Yep, we have a lot of books.  The green stand with the lamp on it is actually a birdcage, my Mom found it at a thrift store once and I put it in storage.  We don't have birds but it fit that spot perfectly so that's where it will stay.  Up top, we have baskets for storage (always important in a small house) and in the corner, a small but powerful stereo for music and, since we don't have a TV at the farm, we have a satellite radio for lots of music choices and news/weather.

Now this photo was taken while standing in the corner by the three bookcases looking back toward the other corner of the living room.  We have a matching end table in the corner (also re-purposed from the move).  The windows are to the front porch (more on that in a bit).  The yellow pillows and yellow rug under the coffee table are what we bought when the realtor had us stage our house in town.  We bought with the idea that it would serve dual purpose by going to the farm afterward and adding some pops of color. 

 Yellow is a happy color for sure!

This is a closeup of the corner where I started the photo tour.  We wanted you to see the "doors".  These are the curtain doors we put up a couple of seasons ago,  CLICK HERE to read about that.  The one on the right goes into the master bedroom and the one on the left goes right into the kitchen.  They are nice for closing off rooms for privacy, for keeping rooms hot/cold, and to just give a more cozy feeling.  It's nice to close them off, and just sit on the couch and read a book.  Side note, that clock is an heirloom from 2nd Man's family, and that painting was done by "Ma" who we bought the house from.

Thought this was a fun picture, the couch is on the wall of the porch and on the other side of those windows are the two rockers we sit on while on the porch.  Couch on the inside, rocking chairs on the outside.  It's nice because we can open the windows and hear the music while on the porch.  

Thank you for visiting!    As the pillow says, welcome to the farm!
Hope you enjoyed the mini-tour. 

Don't forget, today is "Cyber Monday".

AMAZON is our go to shopping place!


  1. Wow, so pretty. Nice job!!!

  2. lOVE the pops of yellow. Thanks for the tour. Looks a fab cozy warm home

    1. Thanks so much. We thought yellow would be a nice sunny color. To warm things up and brighten things up.

  3. I want a book, a cup of tea, a knitted thorw, and an invitation. Lovely and soothing retreat.

  4. It is looking excellent. Cosy, comfortable AND beautiful.

  5. What a lovely and inviting room! It makes me realize how much more I need to do at the lake place. I am inspired but grumbling!

    1. Aww, don't worry, you just do it as you can. We've taken almost 5 years to get to this point and there's still more to do in other rooms. We always tell each other "baby steps".

  6. I thought it was your place in the city at first. Pretty furnishing for a farm house, but looks perfect. Love the color scheme.

    1. Thanks for that. It's sorts of a combination of the stuff we like but with a little bit more country vibe. Thanks again!!!

  7. Magazine worthy! I love seeing the inside of other people's houses especially when they're so pretty.

    1. Well I don't know about that but THANK YOU for the kind words!

  8. That's a beautiful room. You two are great decorators.


    1. Thank you much! 2nd Man would agree that I'm the decorator in the family and I defer to him being the chef, ha.

  9. Look up the book "The Not So Big House". I think yours qualifies. We like the color yellow too. We painted the living area of the apartment yellow shades. Only our bedroom is in two shades of brown.

    1. I will have to look that up!!! Thanks for that. Yellow seems such a refreshing color, makes us feel happy and upbeat plus it's warm in the Winter. LOVE brown too.

  10. a lovely, warm, inviting home! may many happy memories be made and enjoyed there!

  11. The best word i can think of is "homey". It just looks like you'd want to go in, sit down and relax. And that's a compliment by the way! Just homey and welcoming and inviting. OK so that's some more words. You know what I mean. Janie V

    1. We'll take "homey", that's the intent. We want people to walk in, not just us, and feel at home. I like that. Thank you much!!!!

  12. I've recently moved,and having trouble getting things to feel right. You've inspired me to try again. Your home looks wonderful.Very welcoming.Great job.

    1. Aww, thanks for that. We moved things around constantly until you get that feeling that it's i the right spot. You'll get there, don't give up!!!!

  13. Better than a designer's magazine layout! Well done, comfortable and pretty, too.

  14. Love the vintage pieces. Beautiful home.

    1. It's a good combination of old and new. We like that. Thanks for the comment!!!!

  15. I love your living room! So cozy and warm. And with so many items that have special meaning and memories.
    Now, how is it that 2nd Man has two bookcases and you have just one?!!
    Thanks for the great tour! Sooo lovely!

    1. Thank you Texas Rose!!! Very observant, actually, we have the 4TH bookcase at the apartment. And it's got a combo of cooking and gardening, ha. We just didn't have room at the farm for it, ha. But yeah, I think I need some more books on my side, huh?

  16. I'm constantly blown away by what you two have managed to do part time. You are making a true home away from home. Between his food and your decorating, well, it just makes me think how happy you both must be. It's love, just simply, love...

    1. Well, if ever a comment made us teary eyed, this did. Thank you, no other words, just THANK YOU.

  17. I love your farm! It was a very good tour and I love to picture you both sitting in your rocking chairs, probably after some very good food, relaxing and looking out over your land listening to music drifting out through the windows. Could you post pictures of the views from your windows? (And from your rocking chairs?)

    1. Hello and thanks for commenting!! You have a great way of thinking and you're pretty accurate! ha! I would love to snap some pics out the windows and from the porch. Great idea. Now this weekend promises rain every day, but I'll make sure to get some the next sunny time out there!!! Thank you!

  18. 1st Man,

    Beautifully done!!! Can I hire you :)

    1. Aww, you're so sweet, thank you. If I lived close to you all you'd have to do is ask. :-)

  19. Internet problems on this so been able to comment. :{ It comes and goes.
    Thanks for the grand tour of your farm house. 1st and 2nd man are men of many talents. Wonderful job in your decorating; warm, cozy and very inviting.

  20. Beautifully done room, very warm and cozy. But my very favorite thing was how you tucked away the kitty underneath the birdcage! A very whimsical touch. Love it!

    1. You noticed that huh? I thought it seemed appropriate. Thanks for the comment and for noticing the small details too, ha. :-)


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