
Friday, December 2, 2016


I posted a couple of months ago about how well the aloe vera was doing since we got it.  Then, when we were at the farm last week, we saw this:

Aloe Vera plant
A spike shooting up with what we can only assume will be a flower!  It wasn't there from one week to the next, talk about fast!!

Aloe flower
While we've both been around aloe plants on and off throughout our lives, as people often do, seemed someone always had one growing somewhere, parents, grandparents, but we've never seen one bloom.  I honestly didn't even KNOW they bloomed.  We can't wait to see what this turns out to be.  Not sure what color it will be but I guess we'll see soon enough.  

Have you ever had an aloe bloom?  
Any advice?


  1. haven't seen an aloe bloom in person so anxious to see what yours will look like as there are different blooms for different aloe's

  2. Wow, you must be doing all the right things for your aloe to bloom! Great going!

  3. Well done you. Ours hasn't bloomed - in over twenty years.

    1. Seriously? WOW! I water once a week and that's about it, ha.

  4. I have never seen one bloom but how wonderful for you!

    1. I hand't either so it is kind of exciting, thanks!

  5. i have never seen an aloe bloom, you are the plant whisperer~~~~


  6. Sometimes it is best to just let a plant grow without fussing over it.Plants have doing it for years.I recently got myself a bunch of plants,I'm amazed how well they are doing, with little help from me.You will have to read about what to about the flower stalk once it had bloomed,many plants want it gone, so it doesn't suck all the energy from the main plant.

    1. Very good point. Plants do seem to do ok on their own, as long as we give them water. I will have to read about the flower stalk, thanks!!

  7. Mother nature is just messing with you now. Once you move out there full time she'll mess with your head again and you won't be able to grow dandelions! Ha! :-)

    1. Now that made me laugh out loud for sure. You're so right, luring us into a false sense of security, ha.

  8. One of our Aloe plants is in bloom. Each plant seems to have it own bloom cycle. I love the bloom.

    1. We can't wait to see it bloom, pictures soon for sure!

  9. Replies
    1. Isn't it odd? I didn't know either. Can't wait tow watch it happen.

  10. I have about 100 plants lining our carport wall, but I've never had one produce a flower. I can't wait to see what this looks like. I hope 2nd family keeps an eye on it for you in case it blooms during the week. Please tell them I love them. One day I'll get to go and see them again.

    1. I told them to check on it. And yes. we'll get you out there, already talked to "J" about it. As for the flower, well, we'll see what it looks like soon enough I hope. Stay tuned!!!


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