
Thursday, December 8, 2016


Every Thursday, we like to post a picture of something we've found online that inspires us to do something similar at the farm.  
Sort of our own blog bulletin board so that we can eventually look back and, hopefully anyway, recreate it...enjoy!

Flowerbed, image via Pinterest
Yesterday, I POSTED HERE about creating some new "future" planting space along the garden fence.  Since it is the garden, and the fence is not tall, I'd like something like this.  Simple, with color, texture, and variety.  So I spent a bit googling images online for some inspiration and I found this one.  It's simple and has some great color.  Now those purple fountain grasses however, those get large, so we might not use them but everything else is doable. Annuals and perennials, I think that would work well.  

Simple and colorful, that's what we want. 

Be inspired...


  1. Beautiful. Would look lovely in your new bed. That purple fountain grasses, just plant in containers and put in with your ground plantings to give height and depth. For extra color you could paint our containers with spray paint and for nice added touch, add a solar light in your containers which will really show off that purple grass.

    1. That's a good idea to mix in some containers. That would add height and interest. Hmm...interesiting side note, we have two small purple fountain grasses in container (nursery containers, the small black ones) and I think we have a couple of good size clay pots too. Heck, I could go ahead and get those in the beds when I get the soil in. Thanks!!

  2. I like Colleen's ideas. You could also add a bit of background fence colour by growing a colourful climber up the other side of the fence. The would give hints of colour through the fence slats with a lovely overhang of colour along the top.

  3. Another thought, this could also give a secret garden type effect to the space behind the fence (if the cover is solid enough).

    1. That's too funny, I've always wanted to create (someday) a secret garden area at the farm. Great idea!!!

  4. why don't my beds ever look like this?

    1. Probably no ones do for the few days after planting, ha.

  5. I like the mix of color - really cheerful. You could also add in some bulbs for the different seasons. As for the grasses, they look pretty and add height but I've heard some people say that they provide nice cozy homes for --- (yikes!) mice.

    1. Bulbs are good. Oh my, mice? Really? I don't need mice in the garden that's for sure. Hmm, but maybe if elevated in large clay pots maybe it would be ok. Of course we also have some much brush elsewhere, I suppose they are everywhere we don't see anyway, ha.


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