
Saturday, December 31, 2016


Well, it's been a yucky day here, we've had constant rain since about 4am.  No flooding thankfully, but still quite wet (and in the 50's so wet cold too)...

...since the water is still shut off at the farm (freeze preps), and the roads are wet with potentially crazy drivers out there, we'll stay in town today.  

As for New Year's Eve, we always stay in, just safer that way.  Plus it seems the older we get, the less we like large crowds.  Quiet is often better and it is certainly less stressful.  We will be enjoying a nice meal, some bubbly, and of course watching NYE unfold on television (we enjoy CNN with Anderson Cooper and Kathy Griffin).  

2nd Man has a pork loin roasting in the oven (pics later) so we'll have a good evening with full tummies.  Hope everyone is safe and get to spend the evening doing what makes you happiest!

Do you celebrate out or in?  
Any NYE traditions?


  1. Happy New Year gentlemen. I worked so I totally missed it. LOL. Not too worried though, it has been just another night for our family for a long time. I hope 2017 for you, is filled with peace, love, happiness and a splattering of wealth.

    1. LOL! It sometimes becomes just another night for us too. I think that happens we we get older, ha. By the way, I sent you an email the other day (another coming) but just wanted to make sure you got it. Thank you! :-)

  2. No plans. Staying in, and I'm usually in bed early.
    Allowed to shoot off fireworks in my county so some of the neighbors already started shooting off last night and will continue all night long here tonight.
    Everyone have a wonderful time this evening and Do Be Safe

    1. Thank you! We can't hear anything in the high-rise apartment so that's good but at the house in years past, oh my, fireworks, guns, etc. And it's ALL ILLEGAL. Go figure.

      We were safe and we did stay awake to midnight. :-)

  3. Happy new year!
    2017 has to be a better year. I have not posted since my dh died in July.

    Very quiet evening for me too!

    1. Oh no, MaryJo, we had no idea! I noticed I hadn't seen a post in a while from you but I know sometimes people get caught up in other things. Please accept our deepest condolences and know that two guys in Texas USA are sending you warm thoughts and well wishes in hopes that 2017 is continuing healing for you.

  4. A very Happy Healthy New Year to you and yours.
    The New Year found its way here without my assistance. It knows the way without me.

    1. Thank you! It does kind of know it's way around the world huh? :-)

  5. i'm so boring in my older age! i never want to go anywhere. i'll be in bed by 8! haha! happy new years to you guys!

    1. We did make it up until midnight but we don't go out anymore either. It's nice to just stay in. Happy New Year to you! Let's all be strong together!!!

  6. spouse and I stay in and have whatever food/drink we want. no tv, just music.

    pork and sauerkraut (he's german) tomorrow, with xmess pudding & brandy sauce (I'm british) for dessert. and the philly mummers parade on tv!

    1. Just music? That's a pretty neat idea, I love sauerkraut (2nd Man, not so much) and I can't say I've had Christmas pudding with brandy sauce. Will have to google that! Thanks and happy new year to you all!

  7. First time in a very long time for us to go to a NYE party. But no driving involved since its here in the building. There's a nice buffet at 6 and a swing band, champagne, wine bar, balloon drop. Should be fun.

    1. Well now that's nice. I hoped our building would do something but they didn't. We had our own fun relaxing inside, ha. Hope you had fun and hey, you don't have to walk far do you? :-)

  8. We stay home. We can let off fireworks, but when it's 17 outside it just doesn't seem as much fun. We went out to a pizza/pasta buffet place to eat ( around 430). My boys will probably stay up playing xbox....

    1. 17? Yikes!! Yeah, having to bundle up and have hands shaking from cold probably isn't fun ha. Pasta buffet? Wow, I would tear that up, LOL! All the best to your and your family!!!!!

  9. What is one person's curse is another's blessing...I would love some rain.

    Happy, Happy New Year.

    1. Happy New Year to you!!!

      I need to remember that. I will send rain energy your direction. Hope you have a safe and wet new year!!!

  10. All the best for a peace filed, healthy and Happy New Year to the both of you. Enjoy your meal and bubbly. We're staying put as well. Don't know if I'll see the ball drop? I must be getting old.

    1. Thank you! Same to you. Yep, we don't go out anymore either. But we did make it to the ball drop (just barely, ha). HNY!!!

  11. Wishing you both a year of fantastic memories :-)

    1. Thanks so much. A new year of fantastic memories sounds nice!!! Happy New Year to you as well!

  12. Who knows what the New Year will bring . . .
    But when the Midnight hour strikes . ..
    Let the Kindness Ring.

    Happy New Years one and all

  13. Replies
    1. Thanks so much! All our best wishes to you and all the family (including furry and feathered!)

  14. For about 20 years, I went out in Birmingham to friends' homes. I am still invited but it is not for me now. It's safer at home. But would be more fun if there were a someone here with me. I had a salad with chicken. The one special thing was pimiento and cheese and Ruffles...I know it is silly, but it makes me happy.

    The overnight rain was a boon. It kept the unruly renters behind my neighbor from shooting off fireworks and burning the neighborhood to the ground.
    practical parsimony

    1. Hey, nothing is silly if it makes you happy. Happiness is all that matters. Hope you are safe and sound and had a nice time regardless of anything else. Happy New Year!!!

  15. Happy New Year my beloved twosome! And to all their wonderful friends!
    I spent the day and night with my BFF and several friends playing games. Strategy and fun games. We've been doing this for years now. It's much fun and happy times.

    1. Thank you sweet Alison!!! I remember your game night tradition, I love that idea!!! Happy times is all that matters!

  16. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!
    I'm sending some snow your way.......
    expecting flurries tomorrow, and more on Thursday and Friday.


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