
Thursday, December 22, 2016


Every Thursday, we like to post a picture of something we've found online that inspires us to do something similar at the farm.  
Sort of our own blog bulletin board so that we can eventually look back and, hopefully anyway, recreate it...enjoy!

Image via Pinterest
Our ultimate goal is to have the house painted the same barn red and white as the barn and shed and hives are painted.  We saw this and realized that we could still have some great decorations even with a red house.  Love the white lights and the candy cane stripes on the porch posts.  

Of course, we won't ever have that kind of snow...but it's still a pretty look.  

Image via
...and while our barn is not this big (more snow too!) it's a nice reminder that barns (and sheds) can be decorated too!

Be inspired!


  1. 1st Man,

    Great idea for decorating your place. Stay warm, and Merry Christmas to you and 2nd Man.

  2. Love it. Tried to get my husband to let me paint the farm red, but he wasn't having it so it was painted a sage green. Happiest holiday to both.

  3. I love the red house idea. The sky is the limit with a red house and christmas decorations!

  4. this would be perfect at your place. merry xmas!!!

  5. Hello 1st man!
    Looking forward to some yummy Christmas cakes from you! Jalapenos is not my cup of tea, too strong, but it looks good!! Regarding the red barn ...very nice but I couldn't live in the candystick house, snow or no snow. I like lights but my limit was passed on that one. I'm sure your house looks ever so nice anyway. Hope the weather will ease out, up here in Sweden we have 10 degrees celcius, spring, that is!! No snow in sight in the southern parts, but we are inheriting some of the bad weather winds from Minnesota. Poor souls!! Merry, bright and blessed Christmas to you and those adorable kittens!!

  6. Both pictures are so pretty! Love those candy-striped porch posts!

  7. Beautiful Christmas / Wintery scene

  8. I've been watching the Great Christmas Light Fight. Everything is decorated.


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