
Monday, January 30, 2017


Things have been happening at the farm, working on a variety of projects. 
Here is one of them:

This is a concrete bench that "Ma" left behind when she sold us the house and moved.  Now I see why she didn't take it with weighs a ton.  OK, maybe not a ton but a few hundred pounds easily.  It's been behind the house, in three pieces, for a few years.  The part you sit on and the two end pieces.  

Solid concrete and very heavy.  

So I got the hose out and cleaned it up.  Since the bench's new home was more than an acre away, I got out the trusty Rubbermaid garden cart and took the pieces over one at a time.

  Here is a closeup of the detail on the bench.  It's cute and we think it fits in with its new "woodland" home, right?

Bench in the bee yard 
This is in the bee yard area.  I wanted to begin creating a space to sit and watch the bees from a distance as well as a place to just sit and relax after working with them.  It's far enough away that I can take the suit off in the heat of the Summer and organize my supplies, take notes, etc while doing bee work.

Our goal is to eventually have flowers growing all over this area.  I was thinking of cardboard laid around in various spots so it kills the grass and makes the soil ready for seeds.  Then I could scratch up the ground under it, scatter some flower seeds around, and cover with potting soil/compost. Seems like that might be an easier way for quick color. 

We'll see how that goes! 

Above is a photo showing where things are going.  The new location is a bit more protected from hot sunshine as is the site for future expansion. 

Yep, this means we're getting back on the horse, er back on the hive? And by "we" of course I mean "me" as 2nd Man will only be providing moral support for my beekeeping adventures, LOL.  For now it'll be back to one hive this Spring (when the bees are ready) and we'll see if I can keep them healthy and happy through an actual honey harvest and beyond of course.  

If at first , second , you don't succeed, try try again, right?

More in the coming days!


  1. I think every garden space is enhanced by somewhere to sit. You gain a new perspective. That will be a lovely seating area.

  2. Interesting post! First I love the bench. We have been debating getting a concrete table set to put at the water's edge at the lake place. The main drawback is how to get it down there.
    I have been reading about beekeeping and how the notorious "they" say we should be vigilant about establishing hives over and over to try and keep up with the loss of bees in their natural environment. I am trying to find a box for the lake place and possibly even one in my yard at the house.

  3. 1st Man,

    Now that's a bench to sit on and relax outside while watching your bee's. Have you ordered flower seeds for the area where you're laying card board?

  4. That bench is the nicest one I've seen. Ours are very plain. I once teased you that I'd like some bluebonnet honey, not mesquite. Well, I just saw some mesquite honey in the store. I laughed. Glad you'll be trying beekeeping again. I gave away all my bee keeping stuff.

  5. Since I loved that merry picture you took of the waving bee, I really long to see what will become of this lovely , jolly and cute little bench, beeside the hives. Lucky Mum left it for you, I wish someone would leave one for me. And I agree with one of your friends here, a place to sit is really very comforting and can add spice and peace to almost any grey space. Hope you didn't break your back, 1st Man, its a good thing we have these little practical tools to help us out in gardening!! Send my regards to 2nd Man, hope he is feeling alright!! Love from Solveig!

  6. What a lovely bench, a real treasure! I, too, am glad you're re-trying the bee thing. I think you will definitely get a handle on it and think how much appreciation and joy you will have when you finally succeed.

  7. Love the bench!
    Third time lucky they say, so persevere.
    Lovely to plan.

  8. I love love love the bench. I have .35 acre and a house on it and four benches and two swings. As the back pain has increased over the years, I have just kept adding places to sit! I love a good bench. And, that bench is so cute. It won't rust or rot--good free deal.

  9. I really like your bench! It has a woodland look, which makes it fit in well. It will be great to sit on, observing, planning, and just enjoying.
    I'm glad you're getting back into the bee business. The new location should help.

  10. Now that is one Awesome looking bench. Always nice to have different areas on the farm just to be able to sit for a spell and relax.
    2nd Man; I'm with you when it comes to the bees

  11. I love the bench. I LOVE that it's Ma's bench. I'm so glad you are bringing bees back into your world. 2nd Man and I are of the same mind of standing way back (like the next county) while you do your work with them. ♡

  12. It's a very neat bench. So glad you decided to hose it off and put it back together. It's perfect. The rabbits are so cute. Haven't seen anything quite like it.


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