
Thursday, January 5, 2017


Every Thursday, we like to post a picture of something we've found online that inspires us to do something similar at the farm.  
Sort of our own blog bulletin board so that we can eventually look back and, hopefully anyway, recreate it...enjoy!

OK, it's the middle of Winter (or the beginning I suppose) and after looking at seed catalogs, we're all about flowers, ha.  We have fences along sections of the property so they seem to be ideal places to put sections of flowers.  

And of course the two blue chairs are pretty nice too!

This will of course take work to prepare the soil and there's so much other stuff to do but that's why we save these pictures, to give us ideas for things to plant.

Be inspired!


  1. Here is a gardening tip I learned from PBS Victory Garden which they no longer show here. Add as much peat moss to your soil as your pocket book allows. I always do.

    1. Really? Wow, thanks for that tip. We have clay in our soil so I'll have to amend. Thanks for that info!!!

  2. That looks a truly delightful spot to relax. Gardening experience tells me that a LOT of work went into creating (and maintaining) it.

    1. I know, they always look amazing but I do know there is a lot of work involved in that.

  3. It's very very VERY cold here in Central Illinois and I need three hats to do our animal chores. Water had to be boiled inside to melt water outside BUT we took time to sift through all the flower seeds we saved this fall and make some plans for adding more color to The Poor Farm. Now, BLUE CHAIRS on on my wish list. Thanks so much for these inspirations.

    1. Brrrr!!!!!!!! I can't EVEN imagine. We're dipping into the 20's but nothing like what you have. Heck, next weekend it's back up into the 70's they say.

      The blue chairs are awesome aren't they? There is something about that shade of blue, kind of slate blue maybe?, it's so relaxing and inviting.

      Thanks for the kind words (as always!)

  4. Very pretty! I love those blue chairs.
    It looks like most of those plantings are perennials with a few annuals - which makes it easier to maintain.

    I have made new flowerbeds/gardenbeds using a quick version of the lasagna method: Put down a couple of layers of cardboard (to kill the grass), add a border to hold down the cardboard, then add about 4-6 inches of a mixture of good soil and compost. I can plant small things the same day and larger things within a few weeks when the cardboard has decomposed. Each year, I top dress with about an inch of more compost (I use the Ladybug brand).

    It's going to get COLD tomorrow! Keep warm!

    1. The blue chairs (or at least that shade of blue) haunts me in the photos I find, ha. I guess I'm just gonna have to match the color and see what I can do.

      Great idea for the beds. I did something similar to that with the garden fence but not to that extent. Oh and the corner flower bed (which I'll have in an upcoming post). But I didn't know the best way. I like the idea of a mix of compost and soil. I think you've mentioned Ladybug, I'll have to find that here in town.

      COLD for sure, glad we still have the pipes drained and shut off at the farm.

      You be warm and safe!!!

  5. Beautiful setting; quiet and peaceful looking.
    If you want blue chairs; or any color as far as that goes, whether it be on a shirt, table cloth etc. ; take that to Home Depot and they will match the color for you. I would buy and use a small sample can first and then if you like the color you can always go to a larger can of paint. If you don't like the color; you're not out much.
    Cobalt blue, or deep sky blue would be pretty.
    Shades of blue:

    Me; I like red but red fades so bad

    1. Great idea, thanks! I LOVE cobalt blue too. I think it might depend on where they are sitting too huh? I like red as well but of course at some point the house will be red (well, barn red) and so we think other colors might be nice to contrast. We'll see. Thanks for the link!!

  6. 1st Man,

    I'm inspired and ready for Spring. I've been looking at the seed catalogs as well, haven't placed an order yet. We're looking some really good news after this weekend. Eventually, I'll be able to share it with everyone. In the meantime, I have to bite my lip:-(
    for a while.

    1. Ah seed catalogs, they are the stuff of magic spring dreams huh? Sounds like you have some good stuff coming, can't wait for the unveiling. Let's not jinx it.

      Stay warm!!!


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