
Monday, January 2, 2017


We're warm again today but later this week they say we may have sleet!  
Go figure. 

Went to the farm Sunday, and it's definitely looking like Winter even if it didn't exactly feel like it.  The grass, for some odd reason, is still green (unstoppable weeds perhaps?) but the trees have lost all their leaves...

...and it always looks so desolate.  Mesquite trees are pretty when leafed out but ugly when naked.  Today we had a severe line of storms, heavy rains, lightning and wind.  

We're both off today as the New Year's holiday long weekend so of course, there is only one thing to do...

...get out the seed catalogs and dream of Spring!


  1. You might have Winter Rye Grass. We live in Central Texas and it comes up every year during cooler temperatures.

    1. We never thought of that about the winter rye. It's certainly a combination of a lot of things, but there could very well be some winter rye in there that springs (no pun intended) up when it's time. Thanks!!

  2. Spring will be here before we know it, lets hope we have a resonable winter on the way :-)

  3. Yeah, those garden catalogues make a dreary day much nicer. I will disagree about the mesquite trees. There is a haunting beauty to them.

    1. They do make us dream of spring, don't they? And you know, I will stand corrected, they do have a haunting beauty to them I totally agree. Maybe it's just that we have SO many, it would be nice to see some other options, ha. But I do agree. And they make great B&W photos! ;-)

  4. I have a strange green grass where the St. Augustine is in warm weather. Of course, it is warm enough for the ac these days. I don't think the mesquites are ugly.

  5. Good plan. I'm dreaming here, too, while we live under many feet of snow. Keep on dreamin'...

    1. "FEET" of snow? Yikes! I can't imagine, I just can't. Stay safe and warm!

  6. that first pic is gorgeous and i love the mesquite trees without their leaves. but i live in the northeast so these things are beautiful to me. i still have leaves on lots of my trees which should have lost them months ago. i have no idea what is happening. plus, some of my trees and bushes are budding. unreal!

    1. The weather is ten kinds of screwed up. But sigh, it's that way everywhere in the world and people still deny it. When I hear that "oh it's five feet of snow, where's the global warming" I just want to scream. Um, there is a difference between weather and CLIMATE but that's lost on some. Thanks about the picture, 2nd Man said I should frame it for the farm. Of course we have ZERO wall space but I see the point. ha.

  7. I refer to those seed catalogues as Garden Porn. And I always succumb.

    1. "Garden Porn". I LOVE it! Amen to that...a nice centerfold of some veggies, I'm happy! LOL!

  8. I've been dreaming of gardening, with 14 inches of snow on the ground (with more coming),spring seems so far away.

    1. 14 inches? And you still have to go to work and school? If it just sleets here, everything shuts down, ha. Stay warm and safe, and Spring will be here before you know it!

  9. I didn't get much of that storm you did - just .2 inches of rain.
    As others said, that green grass may be rye grass. I like to transplant some into pots for my cats - they love to munch on it.
    With this warm weather, I've been out in my garden transplanting some lettuce that volunteered up. I let some of my lettuce go to seed last spring and now I'm rewarded with these little surprises.

    1. We had almost an inch of rain. It was nice. Yep, might be rye, I'll have to try that on the cats (once I'm sure it's rye, ha).

      I bet the garden stops this weekend, ha. Stay warm!

  10. Spring! I am so looking forward to it.
    Know one thing for certain; I will be planting more pepper plants this year. (news flash from son-in-law)Come to find out that there are some who would like to buy some jars of my canned Candied Jalapenos (cowboy candy)
    Now; if only my head cold would go away; I would feel so much better

    1. It's kind of nice to have something to look forward to. Doing a whole bed of peppers here too. Trying to plan some other things too.

      I hope you feel better soon!!!

  11. I need to start thinking about getting out my seed starting supplies out and start getting some pepper seeds started. Have to go get some potting mixture first tho

    1. Yep, it will all happen so quickly, and we can't be behind ha.

  12. Do you get the free Baker Creek Heirloom Seed catalog? It is gorgeous. Lots of spring dreaming in there! Happy New Year to you both and the cats.

    1. Yes, we do, at least we did, not sure if I've gotten it this year. Hmm, now that you mention it we didn't. Maybe the move they lost our address (and mail no longer being forwarded). Thanks for the reminder, I'll visit their website!

  13. Replies
    1. You are right, I stand corrected. I think it's just that when that's most of what we have and all we see, it would be nice to see others, ha. But yes, they do have a beauty themselves. In fact, next trip out there, I'll take some photos and give them their day on the blog. :-)

  14. 1st Man,

    I've been looking at those catalogs for days and making a wish list.
    Be careful if you get ice. Were expecting snow tomorrow!

    1. We are supposed to get sleet and possibly ice this weekend (I'm replying to this comment later than when you posted but here we are again, more cold coming). You stay safe too and I hope you are feeling better!


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