
Wednesday, January 18, 2017


We have had a surprise rain event overnight...well, they did tell us it would rain but no one expected this much...

Parts of the area have had as much as 6" of rain.  Those familiar with the blog know that when it floods here in Houston, it floods.  This happened overnight while everyone was asleep and then people got up to go to work, school, etc and have found roads everywhere inundated with water.  There is more rain coming later today and this line is moving slowly across the city.

2nd Family said we had 2" of rain a couple of days ago.  Overnight the farm has had another 7" of rain.  They are flooded in out there.  Safe of course, never any danger of their house or ours flooding, but the roads around the farm are cut off and the driveway is flooded.  

In town, we're in a high-rise so we're good there.  2nd Man can work from home so that's good (for him, ha).  I work very close to home (less than 2 miles away) and in the insurance business so guess what?  I have to go in. Sigh. 

We've come to expect these epic rains in the Spring but January?  That's a new one for us!

I'll update this post tonight with the days events so check in later.  For now though, it's off to work.


Well, the rains came again but not quite as heavy, maybe another inch at most. The bayous and drainage areas were able to recede and direct the water away and toward the Gulf of Mexico as it should.  

2nd Family said we got another inch out there as well.  There were also a couple of small tornadoes (if a tornado can be small, I guess that's the better one) in the area, one touching down just about 10 miles South of the farm.  "R" was able to get to work but only via one road.  That reminds us that someday when we are there full time, we will need to make sure we have all our supplies in case we are flooded in for a few days.  

We need to prepare for all outcomes I suppose!


  1. Flash floods are scary. Be safe on your way to work and home. Catherine in south MS.

  2. I got caught in a flash flood on Braeswood and 9 months pregnant. Our street in Bellaire once had a man canoeing down it. Rain there really doesn't have anywhere to go due to all the building.

    1. Ah, Braseswood, guess what, it still floods, ha. It's crazy here in the rain, as you well know.

  3. Wow! That's serious rain. It's very dry here in my part of Florida.


  4. Replies
    1. Yep, we stay in and know where to avoid. Thanks!

  5. Flooding is scary. The amount of damage it does is incredible. Having tornados on top of that would be unnerving.

    1. Flooding waters are SO destructive. And tornadoes, well, they are just on a whole other level.

  6. 1st Man,

    I was listening to the weather on the national news this evening and thinking about you and your family. I'm happy to hear you, 2nd Man, and family/friends are okay. Remain safe, don't do too much walking around in that just never know what type of critter is swimming ~HA~

    1. Thanks, we usually in good places for flooding, it makes getting around hard but otherwise we stay safe. But yeah waters like that really make me nervous.

  7. We got rain but not enough for any flooding. I saw all the flooding and water rescues on TV. I'm glad y'all are safe in your high-rise. Looks like there may be more rain coming. Too bad you have to get out in all that - please be safe.

    1. Thank you! We ended up with about 7" total. That's a lot.

  8. Today (Thursday) it's raining hard again, hopefully everyone will be safe. Take care please!

  9. Good grief, as if you haven't already gotten more than a decade's share.

    1. I know, the rain here is just unbelievable at times. I just don't know how that much water can fall from the sky.

  10. Why does it all have to come down at once? Glad everyone is safe. And yes, you can never be too prepared for what Mother Nature may throw your way.

    1. I know, sometimes you just go "can't it fall just a little at a time?" Thanks!!!


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