
Sunday, February 26, 2017


Yep, it's that time of year.  2nd Man and I love NASCAR racing.  It all started with my Dad when I was young, he watched it regularly and by default I did too...then I got hooked.  

Today is the day of the "Great American Race" as it is called.  We do try to catch most races throughout the season though sometimes weekends at the farm interfere with that but we catch as many as we can.

We've got a pork roast in the oven for later, had a great breakfast that 2nd Man made up from what we had on hand (post on that coming soon), and we're staying in today for the race. 

Yesterday I got the garden beds cleaned out (post on that tomorrow) and a couple other projects done as well.  It's been a great weekend!


  1. we're a race day family, too, especially now that there's a blaney in the action again (family's from my area). ryan blaney (and his team) overcame a wreck in the prelims and battled up from the back several times on sunday. whoo-hoo for his second-place finish. --suz in ohio

    1. Like Ryan Blaney too!!! It's just a fun thing to watch, great escapist fun! That was a crazy race though, wow lots of accidents. Ought to be an interesting season..

  2. Being race day; did think about you guys cause knew you would be watching and not out at the farm.

    Well, as for me, I was busy in the kitchen all day preparing meals for the week and putting things in the freezer so really didn't see any of the race :{ but was listening to it. Of course had to a little baking for hubby as he does like his sweets.
    Did hear that Chase Elliot ran out of gas towards the end :{

    1. I know, Chase ran out of gas, that's too bad. We root for him too because he took over the #24 from Jeff Gordon. We also like Suarez. And Blaney. And a few others.

      I didn't get sweets but got good food, ha.


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