
Saturday, February 4, 2017


This is the start of the second weekend of prepping for the soon to be (fingers crossed) orchard in the backyard at the farm.  

All the trees have been babied on the porch since we got them last Fall.  They can go into the soil anytime this month and/or into early March.

So I've been on a schedule; building the raised beds the last couple of weekends, then this weekend will be putting them in place (easier said than done) and next weekend and the weekend after will be the soil filling.  Then I'll let the soil settle for a couple of weeks and the plant the trees.  

It's cold this morning, but should turn into a beautiful day later.  

Hope your weekend is off to a good start!


  1. Just a tad chilly here as well.
    Your trees look like they are really doing well.
    Have a fun and enjoyable day

    1. They have hung in there, and yep it was a bit chilly here too. Of course today was gorgeous. Oh well.

  2. It is chilly this morning. Hope you brought some hot tea or coffee with you.
    Your trees look like they made it through the big freeze pretty well. It's going to be so much fun for y'all to watch your trees grow and produce fruit.
    A suggestion: after your trees are in the ground, if we get any more freezes, it would probably be a good idea to cover up your little trees. You could also add some protection by heaping up a big mound of mulch around each of them until spring.
    Have a great day!

    1. Had some hot tea at the farm. It was pretty chilly and stayed fairly cool all day. I can't wait to get the trees in the beds. Will remember that about the freeze. I'm hoping to get them I the ground end of February early March. We'll see.

  3. i can't wait to see your orchard! it is still horribly mild here. i am about to give up on any decent snow this year. bummer!

    1. It's all over the place here, cold hot warm humid wet dry cold again. Sigh.

      Hey, didn't' the groundhog see his shadow? Maybe you'll have a chance for some snow!

  4. Well, no way we're planting here in Illinois but you give me give me hope. Nice job on caring for your trees, they look great!

    1. Thanks, you'll be there soon (unless that dang groundhog was right ha). Spring is coming, hold out hope!!!

  5. Can't wait to see how your orchard takes shape. All the best with the planning and the planting.

    1. Thank you so much, planning is half the fun. This was the hard work and one more step before we can start planting and that will at least be fun. Thanks!!!

  6. Replies
    1. I did, it was cold but I had fun. Thank you! :-)


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