
Friday, February 17, 2017


As I was preparing the soil for the raised fruit tree beds the other day, I notice that the curious cows were hanging out watching me. 

Or at least I thought it was me they were watching.  Perhaps they were distracted by a certain bag of compost I was using...

 Black Kow manure compost
BLACK KOW cow manure!  

If they could talk, I wonder what they would say?

"You paid HOW much for our poop?  
Sucker!!  Come over to this side of the fence! Bwahahaha!"


  1. With all the surreal news coming out of D.C. this morning (hope its not true) this made me laugh!!! We all need humor to get thru this!

    1. Thank you, and yes I understand. Humor is universal and healing!

  2. 1st Man,

    He's saying come over here we can provide you with the free stuff!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, I just couldn't resist when I saw the picture.

  4. Omg that's friggin hilarious! Tom

  5. LOL. How funny.
    Wanted to mention; When using Black Kow compost / manure and other brands, they are made from commercial feed lot processed manure and other waste, and contains a high level of salt, maybe too much for some plants.
    Check your bag and see if it says anything about salt content. I would be careful and not use too much of the stuff as too much salt content will most likely kill your trees / plants. I have never used Black Kow. I just use regular compost.

    1. I did check and emailed them after your comment because I was worried. They assured me that it was low salt, as they said "less than 1% sodium". They say they are made from only dairy cows that are mostly grass fed. We'll see. I only used one bag per bed, and it's the first thing in on top of the cardboard (so that it helps the clay soil below). Fingers crossed!!

  6. Wanted to mention:
    Anyone around have goats? Get some goat poop and that you can use right away and doesn't have to be composted first and makes for very good fertilizer no matter what you plant.

    1. Hmm, I think there might be some nearby. I will have to ask around. I didn't know that. Thanks!!! I like that you don't have to compost it first.

  7. That across the fence is a whole lot better!

  8. Hmmm, when the garden is done this year, take a shovel and get the kow manure free and let it sit over the winter. There's gold in them thar pastures!

    1. I will definitely do that, and I'm sure the neighbors won't mind (heck I could hop over the fence, scoop some up and be gone in a flash, ha)

  9. can't believe you bought cow poo.I am sure 2nd family would happily let you collect some from over the fence, and you KNOW what has gone in to it.

    1. LOL! I know right? Well we didn't have time to let it compost over a few months since we didn't start it sooner, and 2nd family doesn't have cows, these belong to the neighbors but they are nearby I am definitely going to ask later this season. ;-)

      Thanks for stopping by!!!! Welcome!!!

  10. Thanks for sharing this, thats funny, Your neighbor probably would have let you get all you want.

    1. LOL that's so true. I think they wouldn't mind at all. And welcome to the blog, thanks for taking the time to comment. I just checked out your blog and your home is BEAUTIFUL! Love that kitchen, 2nd Man would stay in there cooking for days, ha.

      You're always welcome here!

  11. Oh, yeah. The cows are definitely laughing at you. They called to tell me.



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