
Friday, February 24, 2017


OK, I just have to share this:

Sasquatch Valentine
This is what we do when we're being silly.  I found this at the store and just HAD to get it for 2nd Man last week.  I mean come on!  
A fur covered Valentine box?  
With Bigfoot on the front?  
Um, yeah!

Jack Link's Bigfoot Valentine Jerky
We'll have to admit though, as fun as it was on the outside, the inside was a bit disappointing.  A box with a bag of beef jerky inside.  I was hoping for divided compartments with beef jerky pieces in each one, like chocolates, but oh well.  

Still, it was a Valentines Day heart that 2nd Man won't soon forget!


  1. Guess and early April Fool's joke was on you. Great looking box tho.
    So you save the box and using the mini cupcake wrappers, put in your own chocolates for next year :}

    1. LOL great way to think about it, ha. I did save it, like the idea of reusing it next year too.

  2. That box has fabulous written all over it. If I had seen one you bet I would have bought it in a heartbeat!

  3. I think you need to patent that. I'm sure they would sell faster than you could make them! :-)

  4. Sooo silly and so funny!! I know you both had a good laugh!

    1. We did have a great laugh about it. It's just too silly not to, ha.

  5. Ha, now I can see the comment form. Save the box, save the little papers from other candy you get, then next year use kitchen scissors to cut the jerky in shapes. Make sure you have a valentine jerky

    I love that box and would probably get it for exbf.

    1. Yay! Google blogger can be glitchy, Just click refresh or try back. I like the jerky shapes idea. Thanks!!!

  6. 1st Man,

    Interesting!!! I have to agree with Mike.


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